17. Where'd Ernest Go?

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"Dexter, I am bored!" I lay back on the couch as Coy is sitting next to me. Coy pats my shoulder in a friendly way, making me grin.

"Well, go do something productive. What did you do when you were human and you were bored?"

"I went to college! It filled my time, and I didn't see my life going at a snails pace. What do you all even do here!?" Coy chuckled, pointing out back to an area of the house I've never been in.

"Back there, that's where the mateless werewolves go. They bond and they older wolves teach them. I've graduated, so...sometimes I just unlock new abilities. People stuck back here usually train with the twins."

I nod, bored of how their life worked. So...pretty much their telling me they just train until it's night time? Hell no.

"Where's Ernest?"

"Don't know. He's been avoiding me lately. But it's what brothers do I guess, I tried talking to him but it was obvious he didn't want to talk. He couldn't even look me in the eye, and I could tell he was on the verge of scratching my eyes out. I don't know his deal, he'll get over it soon." Dexter shrugged, and I frowned at him, annoyed that he didn't try to help his brother.

"Anything other things?"

"He did say that he wanted space. He didn't want to talk to me and he said that he was 'changing'. Like, the fuck? Is he a little boy that has finally dropped his balls or something? Even when we both had puberty he never said that. But, he's not giving off anything that he's distraught or anything.

"So like I said, he's fine. I'm just gonna let him chill out and figure out his problem himself-."

I see myself standing as I was about to exit the room. Until Dexters hand grabbed my hand, yanking me back as I was behind him.

"Just listen to me! I don't know his deal but I know he can figure it out for myself-."

"How do you know that? Has he told you that?"

"No...bu-but it's called self-revaluation. I'm not sure if humans did that kind of stuff; but I'll give you an example-."

"I know what it is!" I bark." But humans also had the decency to want to comfort the individual. If they are low on emotions, then it's a natural human instinct to want to make them feel better. I'm not sure if werewolves did that kind of stuff; but I'll give you an example." I mock as Dexter laughs silently as he rolls his eyes.

"Haha, so funny! But seriously, I'd leave him alone. If I were you, I'd just stay here."

"Well," I slipped under his arm and headed out the door," it's a good thing you aren't me."

I started weaving through the house as I saw some girls out at the pool. I went around them, going to the other side of the house as there was a tiny version of the house, almost like for a visitor.

I sniffed the air, smelling Ernest as he was in that house. Once I was there I knocked, surprised to see it fly open.

"What do you want Renee?" His voice was rough and wasn't as giddy as it usually is. Usually he's happy and always being positive, he sounds horrible.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, obviously, I'm peachy. Of course I'm not okay!" I looked over my shoulder, seeing some girls glaring at me. I hope they grab a camera real quick, take a picture it lasts longer.

"What's wrong? I want you to be better-."

"Well you and Dexter seemed like you got closer, and when I say closer I mean socially and physically. I'm not jealous, but you forget, I'm here too. I'm your mate as well, and I'm not gonna beg for attention. But I Dexter makes you so happy why don't you take your little butt and head back to wherever you came from." His eyes were an intense light blue, lighter than the sky.

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