10. Only To Understand

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Okay, so, there'll be some sexual content in here, so if you aren't into that stuff or it just weirds ya out, then this chapter isn't for you. You can stay if you want, don't say I didn't warn you! Luv ya!

"What is with you?" Coy asks me as he has been sitting beside me for a few minutes. I raised my eyebrows, I have been eating fries, how does he know I'm frustrated?

"What do you mean?" I tried playing dumb, but he just looked like he saw that I was lying.

"I have been hearing your heart beat crazily for about three minutes. What's wrong?" He scoots closer to me as I'm unsure if I should say anything.

I'll just go around the truth then, he doesn't need to know the weird stuff.

"Dexter and Ernest and I are getting along now - I think - but it's the whole mating thing. Ernest tells me these things and it sounds like it came straight out of a damn movie. Is it really...true?" I ask and he playfully furrows his eyebrows and wiggles them around up and down.

"Most likely, yes. The whole mating process is odd, but once you start - what they say - it just goes down from there. You don't need to know how to do it, it just...happens I guess. I'm not really sure how it works I've never had sex!" He pouts as he looks away, I pat his shoulder in reassurance.

"But are you planning on having their-."

"Oh hell no! I...Ernest just told me that if you engage in sexual activity then you will learn more about your mate without speaking. Is it true?"

"Yes. I'm only going off what others have told me. Like, a kiss for example. That is supposed to give you a little information on your mate, if you allow it." He informed me and I sighed.

If he says it's true then it must be. Its not like I doubted Ernest...I just didn't know if it was for real.

Well, let's see if this works.

I finished my fries and left, heading to Dexter and Ernest's room as I opened it. They were sitting together as they were looking at something on their coffee table.

Once I closed the door as quietly as I could their heads whipped over to where I was. Ernest smiled, while Dexter grinned as two dimples were present.

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