4. Impossible

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I've always considered myself the girl that attracts weird things, or men, or animals, or anything that goes along with that. But never did it occur to me that maybe this is a sign from god telling me that-

"I just need to be lonely forever."

"Impossible! If he wanted that than he wouldn't have let you have awesome friends like us! It's something else..." Luke looks at the knife a guy I met three weeks ago dropped. He never did come back for it so I guess it belongs to me now.

"Then what is it. Those twins said 'mate' like I'm their mate. The fuck, I'm not an animal, all I want is to have a boyfriend who doesn't make me uncomfortable every second he lays eyes on me. It's awkward and despite their good looks, they give off a creepy, stalking era." I insist as I see Kelly shake her head.

"Those guys just wanted to tap you. I don't get why you're being so stingy. One is nothing, but having two guys pleasuring you at the same time-."

"For once in your life can you think of something else other than sex!?" I shout, making her crumble into her little bubble.

I only invited Luke and Kelly over, Jack would be among them if he didn't live here. But he does so it was easier. We all sat at the island in the kitchen, racking our brains on those twins.

"They didn't even give us their names..."

"That's not suspicious at all. I wouldn't associate myself with them if I were you."

"Well good thing I haven't even been hanging with them. The last thing I need is to see their faces. I need something to distract myself with." I went to the pantry and grabbed some ramen and a bowl.

"We could always go to a party. There's one huge party going on downtown. It's a little risqué, but not enough to put you in some sort of shock. But I have heard when you go here, you'll always wake up on the floor, very drunk and a heavy hangover." Luke showed me his iPhone where I saw an add for the party. Showing some girls flaunting themselves and men behind them throwing money at them.

I grimace as I smack his phone away from me.

"That looks like a strippers paradise. No thanks."

"It's just the picture. It's in a huge underground area and there'll be multiple areas where you can hang. I've been there before when I was in high school with my other friends. Trust me, there's even an area where you can sit and watch TV while people deliver you food or drinks. So..." Luke, Jack, and Kelly edged up on me as they had their faces pleading for me to come.

The last thing I needed was to go to a huge party full of strangers. What if I saw someone I knew? What if I saw someone (twins) that I don't want to see...

"Fine. But one of you is staying by me the whole time."

"I will! You seem to be attracting the hottest guys these days. I'm in with ya." Kelly nudged my shoulder and I smiled, getting up as I realized I forgot about my cold bowl of ramen in the microwave. When did I even have a chance to do that?

"Okay, now Luke and I will get ready and Renee and Kelly, you two can get ready. It's an exciting party, lots of guys there most likely. So, if you really want a boyfriend, I suggest you dress like your still eighteen." Jack winked and him and Luke left to wherever they're heading to get ready.

I sighed, not really excited for this party. But I knew they all meant well, but I just don't want to go to a party. A party sounds like a place someone goes when they have nothing else better to do. I mean, that goes for me, but I could be reading a book or binge watch Netflix like a freak...

The Emergence Of The Alpha Twins  ( UNDER REVISING )Where stories live. Discover now