We Waste More Time

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~1 November 1840~

Mr Ambrose and I are sitting at our table. The ceremony ended ages ago and a quartet started playing music three hours ago. Everyone else is talking and dancing and eating the food provided. And what are we doing?

Sitting in silence.

Why? Because this miserable miser next to me hates everything and everyone and refuses to participate in any "time-wasting" activities. He's glared at anybody who's attempted to come near us, so they stand, scattered around the hall talking and mingling with each other.

"Would you care to dance, Dick, my dear?" I ask. I have to get into the habit of not calling him 'sir' and 'Mr Ambrose' unless we're at work.

Cold silence.

"Would you like to dance, Rick?" I sigh.


"Why not? It's our wedding." He shifts slightly to glare at me.

"I've told you many times that dancing is a waste of time."

"You've never minded wasting time with me before." I snap at him.

I scowl as he remains silent.

"Fine. I'll just find someone else who isn't such horrible company."

I get up before he can do anything and search the room for a partner. I see Captain Carter in the corner, and put a smile on my face before heading over to him. He sees me coming towards him and waves. Before I even cross half the distance, someone grips my waist and pulls me to them.

"Mr Ambrose, what are you-"

"Silence." He commands. Not being one to ever listen to a command, especially from a man, I keep talking.

"I thought you hated dancing."

"I do." He says coolly.

"So then what are you doing here? With your arms around me? On the dance floor?"

"I did a cost-benefit analysis and decided that first of all, since I'm stuck here anyway, my time is already being wasted." He looks at me, his eyes raging. There's a storm brewing in them, and it can't be contained for much longer.

"And second?" I ask breathlessly.

"Second," he presses himself closer to me. "You will dance with no one except me."

My knees buckle, but he's holding me so tightly to him, there's nowhere for me to go. My gosh, he's jealous! He doesn't want anyone to touch me. I smile.

"Sir, how come no one else is allowed to dance with me?" I should stop now, not test that look in his eye any farther, but I can't help it.

His eyes flash.

He leans in close, and puts his face near my ear.

"Because you're mine. And I don't share what's mine." He touches his forehead to mine, and stares into my eyes. "Lillian..."

"Yes Rick?"

"I...I just..." Mr Ambrose, stuttering?

The music ends and breaks us out of our reverie. He stands back up and releases my waist, but claims my hand. He leads me over to the door and pushes me outside.

"Where are we going?" I ask.


"We can't go without saying goodbye to everyone. They'll wonder where we went."

He stops and his left little finger twitches.

I take him back inside and find my aunt.

"Aunt, we're leaving now."

"Oh, so soon?" She asks mischievously.

"Yes, we want to get home."

"I'm sure you do." She mutters. "Okay, have a good night." She winks at Mr Ambrose and he remains stoic. I nod at her and grab his arm, ready to leave.

"Oh, and Lillian?" I turn my head around. "Do come visit." There are tears in her eyes, but she holds them back well. I let go of my husband and rush to my aunt, wrapping my arms around her. Once that touching moment is over, Rick and I head out. I wave to Ella from across the room and she winks. What is it with everyone winking tonight? Is there something in their eyes?

Oh gosh. They all think we're leaving early so we can...you know.

I look at Mr Ambrose. Are we going to...? There's only one way to find out.


YOU GUYS?!? I'm so sorry! I thought I posted this chapter two days ago!!!! That's totally my fault and to make up for it, I'm going to post two chapters. :D
I'm sorry everyone! I hope you're still enjoying the story :) your votes and comments make me smile every time I read them, you guys are the best ever.

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