I Want to get Married

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~22 October 1840~

I'm rather impressed with my aunt. After Mr Ambrose bid me a terse goodbye, she managed to be silent the whole way home. How she did this, I'll never know because when we got home, she grabbed my arm to make sure I didn't escape and pulled me into the kitchen. She let out the loudest scream I've ever heard. Really, my ears started bleeding. It was awful. Even Leadfield, our old, deaf butler heard her shrill and hobbled in to see what the problem was.

"Oh, my Lillian, you have always been my favorite niece! Did you know that?" she leaps towards me and I flinch, but she just wraps her arms around me in a hug. It's the most awkward moment.

     "How long were you planning to keep him a secret, girl? A man like that?" She looks at me quizzically. "What he manages to see in you is beyond me, but I'm not going to question it." I think I should be insulted.... "Oh, we have so much to plan! We ought to get this sorted out as soon as possible. When do you think the soonest you can be married is? Tomorrow?  Next week? Two weeks?" I feel my knees start to shake and pull a chair out. I plop down, letting my aunt go on about her fantasies of my wedding.

My wedding.

I'm going to be married.           

Me, Lilly Linton, feminist extraordinaire, married!

To the biggest chauvinist on the planet!

My friends are going to freak out.

My friends. Oh, hell. I have to tell them. Oh my, what's Patsy going to say? She's never going to talk to me again! Can I still walk down the aisle if I've been run through with a sharpened parasol?

"Well, Lillian? When do you think your fiance would like to get married?"

That's a good question. Is never ever in a million years an option?

I'm sure he'd like it to be postponed as late as possible.

But in doing so, it would give him the chance to run away. Will he do that? Find a convenient excuse to go on business in some foreign country and never return? He's done this before, I don't see why he won't do it now.

My heart starts pounding at the thought. And not just because I would miss him and his cold glares if I never saw his stony face again.

Which of course I wouldn't. That's crazy. I'm a feminist. I don't need a man...

But there's also the issue of the baby.

The sooner we get this marriage over and done with, the sooner it won't look like anything scandalous happened.

But if I plan it for so soon, that will just further the idea in his head that I planned all of this as a cover for the baby.

But if we don't do anything...


"As soon as possible, Aunt. As soon as humanly possible."


All right, first I just wanna say happy 4th of July to all my American friends! (A day late, sorry, I was at a barbecue yesterday then went to the beach with my friends.) I kept quoting Hamilton lines at my family yesterday and they all got mad at me. :/ which is normal because I always quote Hamilton. But how could I not, especially on the day when America got its freedom, the very thing hamilton fought for?   
Anyway, thank you all for reading and voting. It's so encouraging to get all these notifications. Sorry this chapter is so short, I'm working on another one soon. :) have a good day

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