Chapter 22: The Return of Mr. Sanders

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Vermon reached a hand out of the graveyard, followed by her body. A woman that was in the graveyard screamed when she saw Vermon's body, now possessed by Cody. Her eyes were fully blackened and her head just like Cody's. She had his features, his owl face, his arms, and legs. The woman ran away as faced as she could, past Jacqueline and out of the graveyard.

Jacqueline walked inside the graveyard and saw her daughter's possessed body. "One more," Jacqueline said. "I've got the money to get your body out of here so I can set you free. We just need 1,500 more."

"Immiscible. Why haven't you raised enough money to get me out yet?" Cody asked. "Do you wish to be immortal?"

Jacqueline nodded quickly. "Yes, more than anything. You didn't give me enough time to use Vermon. The dead ones told her you were after her, and her grandmother spoke to her through whispers to warn her."

"If you were a better parent and had put your foot on the ground. I cannot waste another day in this graveyard. Find your next victim. You can not go over 333. We'll do the rituals at midnight. Have the money by then and get my grave removed so I can be free!"

"Yes, and if I do. You will make me immoral, right?" she asked.

Cody smacked her in the face. "Of course, but first get me out! She's not in my full control until the 333 are dead and the ritual is completed. We came a long way for this. Your grandmother, you great grandmother, and your great great mother has tried. Don't disappoint them."

Jacqueline nodded. "I know the perfect person," she said.

"Hurry," Cody said, then disappeared.

Vermon's body was sent back to her grave. She didn't hear her mother's conversation with Cody. In fact, she was unaware of the possession. She sat in her dark and cold grave until she heard the voice. The voice that came from the person who hid in the graveyard behind the stones unnoticed by Cody and Jacqueline.

"Vermon? I knew she was evil." the voice said. Vermon heard him but she couldn't respond back. "This is Mr. Sanders. I know you can hear me Vermon, and here's what I want you to do," he said.

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