Chapter 18: I'm in the House

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Vermon sat on her bed while looking at her bedroom door, afraid of what might enter or even exit it. Everything around her felt alive. Her desk, her books, her door, her lamp. Every second that went by made her more and more anxious. To make matters worse, her mother hadn't returned home. That's when Vermon decided to go into her mother's room again. She headed straight to the closet.

The books and photographs were still spread out on her closet floor. Vermon sat next to them and began looking through them. The first one she picked up was one of her grandmothers. Vermon smiled at the picture, missing the time her nana was alive. The number 322 was at the top of the picture and Vermon had no clue what it meant. She grabbed another picture. This time it was a picture of her. At the top of hers was the number 323. She grabbed another picture. It was of her father's and at the top, there was the number 321. Every picture had a number at the top.

She moved the pictures out of the way and looked at the books. They were large heavy books with titles in a foreign language printed onto them. She opened one and saw pictures of naked women and men with arrows pointed to each part of their bodies. Written next to them were small symbols and words Vermon couldn't comprehend. She opened another book which landed on a page with a severed finger taped onto it. Vermon jolted back, throwing the book against the wall.

The finger plopped out of the book and fell on top of one of the pictures. In a slow motion like mement, the finger entered the picture as if dissolving straight into it. Vermon stood up to get a better look. The entire picture turned black and a thick liquid began oozing out of it. The finger rose from it then gestured for Vermon.

"Vermon, I'm in the house," something whispered.

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