Chapter 14

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"YOU GOT ME A RECORDING STUDIO???" I jumped up and down.

"Yep, we here you sing all the time and we thought since you're going to could get some serious fame with this." My dad explained.
"Thank you so much!" I ran into my mom and dad's arms and hugged them.
"That's awesome!" Shawn ran his fingers over the keyboard and the sound system.
You could tell he was impressed.
"You like it?" I asked Shawn.
"Yep, it's so cool." He said back.

We got everything unpacked and put my studio in my room.
Shawn went home a few hours ago.
I have school tomorrow. Yippee.

And my parents said no to going to Liz's house. I understand since it's a school night. Her parents let her do anything though.

I got under the covers and checked my phone.
Shawn had texted me.

S- what are we?
Me- ......
S- Sam, answer me. I really like you. Do you like me?
Me- yes. I like u a lot.
S- then what's stopping us?
Me- idk. I'm just confused. I'll let you know in the morning.
S- okay, goodnight. ❤️

I locked my phone and sat it down on my nightstand.
What was wrong with me?
Shawn likes you! You like him!
Get yourself together!

I fell asleep after an hour of thinking.

-the next day-

"Good Morning!" I said walking downstairs to the kitchen.

I had my Magcon sweatshirt, leggings, and toms on. I was ready.

"Good morning sunshine!" My dad said. I looked by the front door.
It was a packed suitcase. A big one.

"You're leaving again?" I looked at him.
"Yeah. It's my job Sam." He looked sad.
"How long?" Tears formed.
"3 months." He answered.
I dropped my backpack and ran upstairs.
I sat on my bed bawling my eyes out.
I heard a knock on my door.
"Go away! Please." I wiped my tears away.
"Sam? Can we talk?" It was Shawn.
"Oh yeah. Come on in." I sniffled.
"What's wrong?" Shawn ran over to me.
"My Dad's leaving again...for 3 months." I answered rolling my eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say." I could tell he felt bad.
"Let's go out tonight...and do something. I'm tired of sitting around here. Let's go." I ran downstairs.
Shawn quickly followed.

I grabbed my backpack and looked at my dad.
"See you soon." Then I walked outside to Shawn's jeep.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Shawn asked while we drove to school.
"Food." I answered.
He laughed.
"Wanna ask Liz to join us?" He smirked.
"No." I took him by surprise.
"Why?" He asked.
"Cause, it's a date." We pulled into a parking spot and I hopped out.
Shawn sat there for second and then finally got out. He smiled.

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