Chapter 1

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"I'm coming! Hold your horses!" I shouted from my bedroom.
"Well you're taking FOREVER!" Shawn yelled.
"WELL MAYBE I WANT TO LOOK NICE!" I stuck my tongue out...even though he couldn't see me.

I had jeans, an under armor sweatshirt, and white converse on for school.
My name is Sam. I'm 16 years old and my next door neighbor is Shawn Mendes. Yes, go ahead and ask if we're dating. No. We aren't.

I put my long blonde hair in a ponytail and walked downstairs.
"You ready?" I grabbed a banana and a water.
"I've been ready for awhile." Shawn snapped.
"It's only 7:15, we have 30 minutes." I smiled.

Shawn and I have been best friends since 5th grade, when he moved here (Orlando, Florida) from Toronto.
He was that awkward guy that liked to sing, instead of shooting a ball through a hoop.
I was that average girl who liked to sing, dance, play volleyball, and get on the honor roll.
We were instantly friends. And have been inseparable since.

"Bye mom!" I yell and swing the front door shut.
Shawn looks at me and I stare back.
Then we sprint to his car. It's a race.
We do it every morning.
"Beat ya!" I yell running into the car.
"Watch out, I just got the jeep detailed." He rolls his eyes.
"Shut up." I say hopping into the car.
I immediately turn on the radio.
Then -Life Of The Party- comes on.
"Everywhere I go. I hear this stupid song." I angrily switch channels.
"Uh-hum! That's me." He sounds defensive.
"Uh-hum! I know. It's just over-played." I say finally landing on a station with Halsey playing.

"I'm heading straight for the castle, they're gonna make me their queen..." I start singing.


We pull into school and everyone looks at Shawn. Not me. Shawn. Ever since he posted that first vine a few months ago, he's been FAMOUS! Which makes me his backup.

"I swear, a new person wants to date you everyday." I scoff.
"Don't act like its a bad thing, to fall in love with me...." He sings.
"Oh hush!" We start walking into school.

I walk straight towards my best friend Liz.
The cheerleader, student body president, and number one in the class. Yeah, I don't know how I have such popular friends.
Liz and I became really close when my parents divorced. Her mom was my counselor. After meetings Liz and I would hang until her mom got off work. Then we would drive home together. Liz used to live about two blocks away from me. But then they moved closer to school.

Now back to me.
My parents got a divorce about 4 years ago. They are both remarried.
I don't live with my mom. She lives in California, so I don't see her that much.
I live with my dad, my step mom Tori, and my 11 brothers and sisters. Yes, I will explain.
I have 5 brothers and 6 sisters (that live with me).
2 step brothers who are 17 year old twins, Nick & Ryan.
3 real brothers, Dan- 13, Ben- 11, and Kyle- 9.
4 step sisters, Janet- 15, Sierra- 12, Nicki- 5, and Cameron- 8.
2 real sisters, Eva- 7 and Hannah- 18.
I'm a middle child.

My mom has my other step brothers.
Cory- 12 and Wyatt- 5.
They are WILD.

"Hey, are you still coming home with me today?" I ask Liz.
"Yep, Monday is the only day of the week that I don't have anything going on." She sounded relieved.
"Okay, meet Shawn and I at the bookstore after 8th period. Then we can walk to his car together." I shifted my backpack weight from my left to my right.
"Okay, sounds good. See you later." She walked towards Geometry and I walked towards Chemistry. Ew.

Authors Note: Hey guys! I hope you like this so far. I have big plans for this book. It's based off of several I've already read😊

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