Chapter 32

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"NO BELLA FOX. That's too much!" I shriek as Bella approaches me a dark red lipstick. We are getting ready for the ball right now which is basically three hours before we have to leave. Bella is hell bent on doing everything to perfection which is a torture for me and Carly.

"This shade goes with your gown perfectly Sam!" She glares at me and I glare back. She huffs and her shoulders slump while I grin in victory. Carly laughs as she starts to select her make up shades.

"You will select everything light for me or I am not applying anything at all." I warn Bella and she scowls at me.

"Today is not the day you be you usual plain Jane self." She says and Carly joins in..

"I think you should let Bella do your styling today. You know she is good at this." Carly pipes in and I shake my head.

"So its decided, I am not applying anything at all." I smile sweetly and them and they both mutter apologies with some colorful words.

"Fine. Everything would be light but you will let me do it the way I want. Understand?" Bella commands and I nod happily.

"I am not getting ready from now. So you guys finish your make up and hair and I'll till then call dad. Okay?"

"Okay but we will dress up together alright?" Carly confirms and I nod leaving my room with my phone to call dad.

"Hey dad. You guys reached?"

"Yeah Sam. We are in Texas already, driving to the hospital your mom is to be shifted." He says and I breathe in relief.

"Oh that's great. You must be really tired." I say.

"I am a little but I'll rest tonight, don't you worry. I remember its your masquerade ball today right? You focus on that and enjoy darling."

"Yeah dad I will. Bye dad. Love you." I say and hang up after his similar reply. I watch television for a while when Carly calls me from upstairs. I enter my room to see them fully done with their make up an hair. Bella has on a maroon shade of lipstick with black winged eyes and light maroon eye shadow. She has applied a reddish shade of blush which is going to match her sexy black outfit. She has completely curled her and tied them into a half pony, leaving a few loose curls hanging on the side. She looks absolutely stunning and different.

Carly on the other side has a lighter shade of make up with an apple red shade of lipstick and light red eye shadow. Her eyes are lined with black eyeliner and white kohl which makes her eyes look bigger and more beautiful. Her cheeks have pinkish blush and her hair is wavy and kept loose, all pinned on one side. She is not the Carly I see everyday and I marvel at what make up can do. I wiggle eyebrows at both and walk towards them.

" Ahah. Two guys are getting slayed tonight." I tease them in appreciation.

"Three best friend. Let us finish your make up and hair and then you will count yourself in one of the slayers." Carly says confidently and Bella nods. I sit on the bed so that they can began with my face. We still have an hour till our dates arrive and Bella begins her work immediately. She starts applying God knows what all on my face saying that its the base for make up and I just stay silent, praying she doesn't over do anything. I have never liked make up and that's the reason I don't trust her with this.

After what seems like an eternity, Bella finishes with my make up and Carly with my hair. They both then finally let me look in the mirror. I smile in surprise as I see my reflection. They have not overdone it just like I wanted. My eyes are winged just like Bella's but they are more thinly lined. I have pink eye shadow on with light pink blush. Bella has chosen a light reddish pink lipstick shade for me that looks natural yet good. My hair is up in a voluminous bun with a few strands hovering over my face. I look totally different and my best girls smile in satisfaction at my reaction.

My gown is dark blue, strapless and long with a huge flare down the waist with a net layer on top. The sweetheart neckline is showered with white flowers that glitter. A similar band wraps the dress at the waist making it appear more delicate. Its a simple one yet classy in its own way. The upper half is designed with glittery white designs which make dress look like a dark sky with shiny stars. I liked the dress the moment I saw it in the boutique and luckily it fitted me perfectly. And the way my hair and make up is done, its gonna look even more pretty.

"Wow guys. This is perfect. Thanks so much." I say clasping my hands and Bella flicks her curls dramatically.

"Oh it was nothing you know." She says and Carly mouths blah blah. I laugh as we three pick out our dresses. We have half an hour more and that's more than enough.

We three step side by side in to our gowns and I have to admit, this is nothing we have done before. A ball is something new for us and I'm thankful that I got an opportunity like this. We compliment each other and then Carly's phone rings.

"Jacob." She says looking at us with a breath and we wiggle our eyebrows at her.

"Always the eager one." I tease and Carly looks away. Boy! I didn't know she has a thing for Jacob too. We get down the stairs and I motion Carly to open the door. Jacob stands there with a sheepish smile on his face and his mouth opens in surprise as he looks at Carly.

"Woah you look stunning." He says mesmerized and I and Bella giggle while Carly blushes.

"I mean all three of you." He quickly recovers and then holds out his elbow for her. Carly hooks in her hand and leaves with one last look at us. I and Bella just hang around for a while when her phone beeps.

"Looks like Alec's here." She says blushing and I roll my eyes teasingly. She quickly takes her clutch and phone and leaves. I wait for ten minutes when the bell rings. I get up carefully as the gown is long and the heels I am wearing make it difficult to manage. I so miss my sneakers right now!

I open the door to see Xavier standing there in a black suit. He dons a white,crisp shirt inside with a grey-black tie and the suit is tailored to perfection. His hair is styled in a side swept manner which compliments his sharp jawline perfectly. His slight stubble makes him look ever so sexy while he stands there staring at me. He looks so handsome I have to shake my head to regain composure. And when I do, I notice his reaction. His mouth is parted in surprise while he takes my entire outfit in. He blinks in surprise and takes a step towards me. We both stand close, taking each other in as if in a trance.

"You look like a fallen angel Samantha Collins. I have never seen you like this before." He says in a husky voice and I blush. Get a grip Samantha!

"Well you don't look too bad yourself." I compliment nonchalantly to make the air light and he smirks.

"More like sexy and handsome as hell?" He boasts and I roll my eyes in annoyance. He just shakes his head and offers me his hand. I take it and then retrieve my purse from the table and we leave. We drive in his car which is more spacious than mine and I'm thankful for that. I didn't realize how much of a task handling this gown would be. All through the drive we joke and insult each other while stealing glances. I kind of like the mesmerized look on his face. Its pure appreciation and not the stare that feels creepy or cheap. As he parks in the school parking lot, I see a swam of people all dressed formally and its a whole new experience. Gowns, dresses and tuxedos are all I can see. Xavier immediately rushes to my side before I can open the door. He holds the door for me and offers me his hand while I raise my eyebrows in mock surprise.

"Shall we Miss?" He asks draping his hand around my waist, bowing a bit looking at me.

"We shall." I say and pick my gown as we walk in.

Heya Fellas! I hope you guys liked this chapter. Vote and comment if you did. 

P.S: That's the gown Samantha wore to the masquerade ball :-)

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