Chapter 7

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Update!!Chapter 7. If you like it, comment and vote. Thanks:-)

I'm exhausted by the time I reach home. Though I enjoyed school today, its still tiring and that text from Chase is draining all my mental power. I try not to think about him and his threats. But its very difficult. He was with me for such a long time in the past that memories refuse to leave. When we were together, we used to be so close. Not a day would go without us meeting or him making me feel special. He was so caring, so affectionate and... and everything a girl would want in a guy. But now I know it was a facade, a show he put on every time we met. I go to my room and change quickly. After that, I rush to the kitchen and eat a hearty meal prepared by Uncle Jason before he has to leave for his work. He is just the best! I then go to mother's room. I sit and have a one-sided conversation with her for a while and when I know I'll cry, I leave quickly. I go to my room, take my phone from the charger and make a call.

"Hey uncle! When is your meeting getting over? Can you come home early today? And you will be leaving tomorrow." I say sadly.

"Hmm, guess what Sam. I'm in a good mood and since I have magical powers, I have decided to grant your wish. Count till ten and then open the door." Comes his reply. My heart soars. He already is on his way back. I start counting
3...At this point, I'm already at the front door, with my hand on the knob.
I open the door and he is standing there. Grinning at me. I laugh and jump into his arms.

"You were pretty fast. You shouldn't have picked my call if you were in the driveway. My balance is precious you know." I say in a teasing manner.

"Who said I was in the driveway when you called? I told you I have super powers remember? And so when you called I was in the middle of signing an important deal. But I left it for you and whoooossshh... I'm here!" He says with his hands on his waist, his chest puffed out, trying to strike a heroic pose. I laugh at his funny tactics and he joins me.

"So what do you want to do? Watch movies or chat or go out somewhere?" Uncle asks me once he is changed and fresh. Going for a walk in the park seems like a good option. And with him being there, its the best option.

"Let's go for a walk in the park!" I squeal in excitement. He stifles a laugh and we walk over to the door. I wear a black jacket over my green t-shirt and black jeans.

He parks our car near the park and we get out. Since uncle doesn't stay here, he doesn't have a car and dad usually drops him and he sometimes he even uses my car if there is something urgent.

We walk into the park. The evening and the weather have combined in the most lovely way possible making the surrounding calm and pleasant. I feel refreshed when I see the greenery around. This always used to be my favorite park. Mom and I used to come here to hang out a lot. I only wish that happens again...soon. I clear my head of the sad thoughts and smile. The only way I can survive with the sadness is by appreciating such small happy things. Uncle and I sit on the grass, Itsfeeling the softness of it. We talk about endless things. He tells me about his new deal, which he has signed with a Japanese company. I tell him about my friends and he laughs when I narrate Bella's over exaggerative tactics. He understands everything because he knows all my friends. All my friends pretty much like him. My dad is like my uncle too but he is stern at times and after the accident.... he has become very quiet and reserved. But after that hug that day, I'm hoping things will get better soon.

It's dark when we realize that its time for us to head back home. Uncle doesn't have to cook for tonight as dad promised to get us a Chinese dinner. We laugh and talk all the way back and also listen to songs on the radio. He is fond of singing and that's why he sings all the way back to home with a high pitch and tortures my poor ears. I laugh and sing along, minimizing his voice by 0.1%. Soon enough, we pull in to the drive way. I see the lights of Mrs. Gilbert's house on. There are no moving trucks now. Just three cars. I guess my new neighbors are here. The first two cars are black and the third one is a gray colored one. The first car standing there seems familiar. Not a very familiar picture but familiar. I can't recall that though and so decide to leave my interrogative thoughts and get out of my car. Uncle parks it and we enter the house. Though dads getting dinner, uncle insists on making a chocolate brownie mousse for dessert. I am all eager to comply. Wanting to spend more time with him, I help him in the kitchen. I heat the milk chocolate and then mix it with some dark melted chocolate as per as his instructions. I take some of the mixed melted chocolate on my finger and lick it clean. I do the same again and then again but this time the bowl is snatched away from me.

"Sam! There will nothing left for the mousse then. Stop eating the chocolate okay?" Uncle admonishes me lightly.

I grin sheepishly and pull my hand back. After a half an hour, the heavenly desert is ready and uncle puts it in the refrigerator to set. I can't wait for dinner today! Uncle then resumes his office work on his laptop and I go to my room and think of my homework. Oh, shoot! I forgot about the homework completely. I have to solve an entire exercise of unsolved math sums and I remember that now. Great going Sam, great going. You are just amazing.vYou are gonna be so successful one day. I glare at my subconsciousness's sarcastic comments and start quickly. It's okay. I can stay up one night. Yeah. I open my book and a piece or paper falls down. I pick it up and realize its the note Xavier had put in my locker. I completely forgot about it. If Bella comes to know about him giving me his number, she is going to loose all her sanity. I better not tell her that and stay away from that Xavier annoying West.

After a warm, tasty and an amazing Chinese dinner, I take some mousse for me in a small bowl and return to my room and start solving. I'm halfway there. Just an hour or something and I'll be done. Yeah. My phone buzzes as it sits beside my books. I stop chewing my pencil's head which I always do while solving maths and check the message.

'Hey babycakes! I miss you soo much I can't explain. Soon baby soon.'

Its him again! The nerve of that cheater. Messaging me and messing up with my head and my feelings all over again. As much as my heart rate spikes up in slight fear, I can't help but feel like applying all my learned attack techniques on Chase. I'm strong now. He can't affect me in any way! I go back to my sums with my concentration level stooped lower than it was before. My phone beeps again and I groan. Its him again. Another sickening message. I don't want to read it but I know I have to check it at some point or the other. I dully take my phone and open the message. To my suprise its not from Chase. The number is unknown. I frown in confusion and open the text.

'Hey sammy! Still up huh?'

I don't know who this is and yet this person knows I'm still awake. Who could it be? Theres no way Bella and Carly are pranking for they don't know I'm up this late. Omg! Itcould be some pyscho creepy serial killer who's next target is me- Samantha Collins. It takes me a second to realize my dumbness and I hit myself mentally. But then who is this texting me? My phone beeps again and I open the text in lightening speed.

'Remember I told you about a surprise that I was gonna give you. Well here it is. And I know you probably haven't saved my number yet. Its Xavier, Sam. The irresistible Xavier West."

Yeah right. Irresistible my foot! But hey that still doesn't answer my question. Is he stalking me or something? And how did he get my number? You are not a celebrity who's number is very hard to find. I hit my mental me and resume thinking. By the way what suprise is he talking about? I look around my room and check the wardrobe hoping to find Xavier come out and shout 'Boo'. But I find nothing. Another beep booms indicating another another text. I sigh and pick up my phone.I read the text which leaves me even more confused than I was before.

"Sammy, open your blinds and come to the window."

I know I shouldn't go and check open my curtains.But curiosity gets the best of me and so I proceed. I mean this is the part in movies when the lead actress does something she shouldn't be doing and then repents sadly. But hah. It's not like I'll open the window and see a devil face hanging upside down smiling at me right? I slowly draw out my curtains, open my window and am rendered confused to see nothing. Hah. That stupid Xavier is pranking me and I being the dumb one acted along. I'm about to turn away when I see a figure approaching in the opposite window. I freeze as I see the familiar tall, muscular and angelic body with an even more angelic face standing there and smirking at me. He has a paper in his hands which reads in bold,

'Hello, new neighbor!'

I look back up to his face and see him flash me a smug smile. I almost groan but then I just stick out my tongue at him childishly and turn back and close the curtains. I can't believe the amount of love my destiny has for me. He out of the 7.125 billion people in the world is my neighbor. Even the idea of an upside down smiling devil sounds better in comparison to him. HIM.

Xavier West.

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