Chapter 11

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             That's what I like about Fridays. They are the last working days of the week and then you get to enjoy a good two days. After this draining first week in the school, I'm so looking forward to the weekend. Surprisingly I'm up early today so I get ready at my own sweet pace and then go down for breakfast.

Dad has already left for an early meeting so I eat some bread and butter on my own and then check up on mom. I leave the house and just as I'm about to get into my car, I see a familiar gray car leave from the driveway in front of me. There goes the devil. I throw my bag in and then get into my car.

          "So the next time you guys come to class, I want you all to have a summary of the chapter written with you."

Voices of sighs and 'oh no' fill the class as our teacher announces the weekend's homework. I'm not complaining though. Literature has been my favorite always so I don't mind a homework in that subject. I pick up my bag and say a bye to my partner Rochelle and then leave. I'm halfway through the day. Yay! I walk hurriedly to the canteen and search for Bella and Carly. I find Carly smiling at me, waving her hands. I quickly walk to the table and settle down. It takes me a while before I realize Bella is strangely quite.

"Bells?" I call out to her and she narrows her eyes at me. Uh-uh what did I do now?

"Best friend Samantha. Don't you think you have to tell us something important?"

Important? What is she talking about?

"Bella, what are trying to say?" I ask confused.

"Don't act innocent. How you could you hide such a thing from us?"

What did I hide...Okay, this is about him being my new neighbor.

"Okay Bella, if this is about Xavier being my neighbor then-"

"Xavier is you neighbor?" She exclaims, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. Even Carly looks shocked. Okay, so they didn't know about this. I probably said the wrong thing. Oh my God.

"Girl what did you just say?" Bella asks just like I imagined her to.

"Forget it Bells. I was just joking. Seriously-"

"Samantha don't you dare lie to us" Bella gives me her death glare and so does Carly. My shoulders slump in defeat.

"Yeah, he just shifted in Mrs.Gilbert's apartment a day ago."  I say tiredly.

"So what you mean to say is that yesterday when we met Xavier, he was already your neighbor?" Carly asks amusedly.

"Yeah, unfortunately." I mutter

"How can you call yourself unfortunate bitch! Freaking Xavier Greek God West is your neighbor." Bella exclaims.

     It takes me a good ten minutes to calm both of my best friends down. Bella is still in her own world, planning things and stuff only she can imagine.

"But now you can flaunt your body. You know purposely leave your window open while changing." Bella says winking at me. I glare at her but she is unaffected. Carly laughs and joins in.

"Yeah but don't drool when he does the same okay. You'll spoil our name." Carly speaks clearly enjoying herself.

"Yeah and you can also -"

"Okay guys stop. I don't want and I don't need these PG-13 suggestions. Cool?" I say exhausted. Bella and Carly laugh like maniacs and we move to our classes.

           I and Bella enter our history class together, with her wiggling her eyebrows at me every now and then. I groan is disbelief at the irritating power this girl possesses as we take a seat. We remove our books and I just revise what we did in the last class to avoid any embarrassment. I notice after some time that Bella is staring in the hallway. I follow her eyes and I now know why. Alec is standing there with his back towards us with his bunch of friends. Bella's cheeks are red and she is smiling when Alec turns suddenly and catches her eye. Bella quickly looks away blushing and I chuckle. My gaze lands on Xavier who I now know is in Alec's group. He sees me and smirks, mouthing the words 'Hey Sammy'. I roll my eyes and look away.

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