Chapter 28: Watching Out

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"Pete's getting the drinks." Zara, scanned the room for faces she knew. "I have to say, thank you Minta. We were worried when the guy on the door scrutinised the tickets, but they're well forged."

"They're not forged, they're duplicates. Remember, someone else has those seats, you two have to stand at the back. Where's Josie?"

"Josie? I haven't seen her. Shelly's here, did they come together? Thanks Pete."

Pete passed me a flute of something sparkly. "For you, lovely Minta. Ta for the tickets. What do you think of the suit?"

Momentarily distracted, I checked Pete over. "Very smart. I think Zara's doing you the world of good. Does her dad know you've got his Oxford University tie and pin?"

He smirked as he lobbed back his drink.

"I thought not." I ran back over what Zara had said. "No they wouldn't have come together. Long story, but Shelly's staying with us."

Zara's eyebrows rose. "Fallen out with your aunt has she? That would explain why I couldn't see Tracey."

They carried on talking. Zara said, I looked good in black and Pete made a crack about my witchy appearance. I shifted from foot to foot, still not comfortable with anyone going too near the mark.

Think Minta. Think. Something was wrong. Tracey should be here revelling in the glory, showing off her perfectly groomed daughter and flirting with the business world of Henley-on-Thames.

Zara's shrill voice cut through my thinking. "Look Minta, there's Tracey. That's her, isn't it, the florescent green dress? OMG!"

Tracey looked so smug as she whispered something in Shelly's ear. Shelly laughed and offered a cheek forward for kissing. There was a subtle excitement and assurance about them both.

There was no question in my mind what had happened. "Zar, stop this thing from running on time, I don't care how."

"But Minta-,"

"Edgar, please meet me outside, I need you."

Pete squinted. "Minta?"

"Please Edgar."

"Zara, is Minta ok?"

Ignoring Pete and anyone else staring at my flight, I ran towards the exit, almost colliding with George. I tried to pull away as his arms clamped mine to my side. There just wasn't the time.

He looked as worried as I felt. "Minta, where's Josie?"

"I don't know. I'm going to find her."

George stared, without relaxing his hold. "She can do this. I told Shelly, Josie's got what it takes. She was foaming."

"That makes sense." I shook him free and slapped him on the back as I past. "Make sure Shelly does her presentation as late as possible. Give me as much time as you can."

It was snowing, and my coat was inside.


"Here." His mellow voice was full of concern as he left the shadow of a stone pillar. "What is it?"

The relief. Stupid tears sprang to my eyes and I swallowed back the urge to declare my undying gratitude, and more. My arms were up, ready to throw around his neck, but I forbade them, and instead touched his collar brushing the material into place. "I think I've made my aunt Tracey angry enough to do something very stupid and I need to get to Josie. She might be in danger and at the least will miss the presentation."

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