Chapter Fifty

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So the stage is set. Fiona and Alex will try to kill the King and Henry's men will try to take them down before they can. One question remains...What will happen at the House of Lords???? This section of the book is kinda meant to be read all at once, so I will be posting with minimal author's note, fast updates. I want this section of the book to be exciting so if any parts lag or are unclear let me know. Hope you enjoy:-) 



The night was colder than it had any right to be. Small clouds of white surrounded the faces of Teren and his men as their breath hung in the air. Their heavy wool coats impotent in providing any level of protection from the bitter wind that picked up every so often, burning their faces and every inch of exposed skin it could find. The men shifted on their feet, stamping on the ground periodically, to revitalize their frozen toes.

Stationed just outside the garden bordering the House of Lords, Teren anxiously surveyed the perimeter of the building for signs of anything out of the ordinary. Most of the members of the Privy Council and the rest of the invited representatives of parliament had arrived at least forty minutes before the scheduled start of the assembly. Henry was known for his punctuality.

 Teren rubbed his gloved hands together from anxiousness as much as for warmth, before checking his pocket watch. Henry had been scheduled to begin at seven o'clock and it was now seven o' six. The meeting was likely already underway.

If Seleb's information was correct, Alexander Harrison and the Vox Populi would make their move at the conclusion of the assembly, ensuring the King's presence as well as that of every nobleman in the Henry's upper ranks of government. The meeting was scheduled to run for at least two hours and by seven thirty, the rebels would be in place to make their move. By eight o' clock, the traitors to the crown would be arrested before the meeting's end without the men of parliament being any the wiser.

According to his informant, The Vox Populi had secreted at least ten large kegs of gun powered beneath the podium at the House of Lords the night before, paying off a steward, and disguising them among barrels of wine the King stored in the basement of the building.  When Henry banged his gavel to signify the conclusion of the meeting, the bomb would be ignited, and the Vox Populi would make their escape through the secret passages that had been made to shelter members of Parliament in case of an emergency. Of course their plan would never get so far.

Teren looked into the growing darkness surrounding the House of lords. He knew his men would have already assumed their stations, blocking the exits of all known passages from the building. After they were certain the rebels had moved into place to make their attack, his soldiers would follow behind, ensuring the fiends never made it back out of the building.

The stroke of luck had come with the news that Seleb himself had been assigned as key lookout. The boy would be stationed with the gunpowder, charged to guard it with his life. This would ensure that the fuse would not be lit without Teren's knowledge. Seleb had even heard Harrison announce his intentions to ignite the weapon himself and thus take the glory of bringing down the monarchy as his own. The moment the rebel leader was in position, the boy would alert the guards. Harrison would be entirely surprised. Teren smiled at the thought. The young protégé the rebels had taken in would betray them and the Empire would finally be safe.

Yet in spite of his certainty the mission would be a success, Teren had not slept in days. If all went according to plan the reward would be great, but should anything go wrong...the King was not a forgiving man. Teren had seen the man kill with a coldness that bordered on inhuman and, though he admired Henry's tenacity as a leader, he hoped to never give the man cause for offense. Teren knew well that if his plan were to fall short of bringing about the promised result, his own head could be forfeit.

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