Chapter Five

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Determined not to be caught unawares, Manna had done what she could to prepare for the Council's arrival. She had first needed to tend to Fiona. If they were to make a stand against the Seven, they would have to make a showing of absolute strength, and for that, Manna knew Fiona would have to appear more powerful than she was currently.

Though she rejected an offer of food, Manna finally forced Fiona to nibble on some bread and drink the tea she had prepared, both of which she managed to keep down. After the woman could take no more, she anointed her temples with oils of lavender and chamomile to calm her nerves, and left Fiona to rest while Manna prepared her a pallet by the hearth in the main room of the house. She laid Fiona's staff beside it. The Nita would have to face her accusers the moment they walked through the door and could not appear to be hiding herself in any way. She knew was unlikely Fiona would be able to even hold her staff, let alone use it if the need should arise. Still, as a symbol of the most powerful among their people, Manna hoped that the staff's mere presence beside the Nita might give the Council pause, if only for a moment, before attempting to use force to achieve their ends.

Once the makeshift bed was finished, Manna returned to preparing Fiona herself, doing her best to make the Nita presentable. She had bathed her, brushed and plaited her hair and dressed her in a set of fresh clothes. There had not been much to do for her pallor but Manna hoped that Fiona's improved appearance would be enough to convince the Council that she was in better health than she was in reality.

After helping Fiona to her place by the fire and assuring she was as comfortable as possible Manna tended to her own appearance, dressing as if to attend an official meeting in her ceremonial colors of blue and gray. Manna knew she would likely have to make up for Fiona's diminished strength and must show as little weakness as possible. It would help if she looked the part of a Nita. Of course, Manna had held the position for over twenty years, and was confident none of the councilmen had forgotten that fact. 

These men still held enough respect for, and fear towards her to have avoided her counsel in the matter of the baby after all. Perhaps it would be enough to prevent them from taking any drastic action against Fiona in her presence. Manna certainly had no intention of allowing them to take the Nita from her sight until she was certain that Fiona and her child would be safe. With the preparations complete, Manna had made herself a strong cup of tea and sat in silence, keeping vigil as the night slipped away.


The knock came around nine o'clock in the morning. It had taken them even less time than she had predicted, but Manna was ready. She gave Fiona a reassuring nod as she rose, calmly walking to the door and opening it, back straight, chest out, staff in hand. Manna found herself staring into the fiery grey eyes of Avery Trenton. She could see a small mass of men behind him, the councilmen who claimed Cainell as their home. All seven were in attendance. Manna kept her voice even as she received them. "Please come in," she said, putting out her hand in welcome, as if she herself had invited the group of disgruntled men that quickly filled her home.

"Council Leader Trenton," she said, "to what do I owe the pleasure of your company and that of the Cainell Council?"

"Manna, we search for Fiona Amoral."

"You will address me by my proper title, "Manna replied calmly, "and the current Nita as well."

"She may not long hold the title." A voice spoke from within the group, and a wave of assenting grumbles filled the air.

Avery held up a hand to the councilmen and they were quiet. "We know she has sought refuge here," he said. "Give her to us now or face the consequences."

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