Just because I can't

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"Some people don't accept us couz they got disgusted or something. We didn't even do anything. Well yeah, we love our same gender and others is like boys looking like a real girl or the other way. But love is love. It doesn't really matter who or what you love. It's just what you feels...And well, if you're disgusted about it, now I have a reason for you to stay away." I said, still looking at the road.

"I-i won't do that. Friends are friends no matter what. And I don't care if you're one of..them. I don't get disgusted with them. My mom just told me it's wrong. But I knew it's okay."

"You can't even say lesbian."

"I can..just. I just didn't expected it."

"It's okay." I said.

Maybe tomorrow, she wouldn't really bother me.

And she's just saying this couz she doesn't want to hurt me.

"Why do you became like that?" She asked.

Oh uh.

I can't tell her.

It's my weakness. And it's what keeping me strong.

I just can't tell her..that.

"I can't tell you."


"Just..just because I can't."

Black Heart (GirlxGirl, lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now