It's Just Life

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The next day came and as usual I saw Kath(it's better to call her that) before we supposed to 'meet' wherever I told her.

It was already the end of the day and we have practice in basketball and I already missed it yesterday so I need to attend at least.

And I did.

But I was thinking if Kath would have waited for me....

Even though I wouldn't be there. But maybe I will but I'm sure she wouldn't be there anymore.

That's what I planned for ruining our 'friendship'.

I sighed.

I just don't want to be close to someone.

Specially her, She's just full of joy and always smiley.

And I don't want to be left out again if we got closer.

It'll hurt me.

Ruin me.

That's why I never had a friend.

I'm afraid of losing them when time comes.

But Kath is different from others.

Others would just want to be my friend to be like popular or they want my money.

I'm rich, Very rich. But I wasn't exposing it to everybody couz I don't want to.

Being rich has a consequences.

Yeah you're rich.

But my parents aren't around all the time.

I grew up being with my maids.

And on my birthday, they're just gonna give me money in my bank account then let me celebrate alone.

But at least they came on my 10th birthday. Just once.

And I sometimes wish that I wasn't damn rich.

But I don't know, I don't wanna be poor either.

Being rich spoiled me. A lot.

I mean unlimited money and a great but lonely house.

That's my life.

Full of loneliness.

Since my ex, Charlotte left me. It just added my lonesome ness.

But I guess it's alright.

It's just life.

You can build it alone.

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