Chapter 50

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Lazt chapter!! ;( *cries* ;(

I can't believe this is over. I finished a freaking book and it feels pleasant but at the same time heart wrenching.

Don't forget the author's note after this chapter.

Chapter 50

A few months later. . .

It's Ria's birthday and I couldn't wait to attend her party. Nessa and I had a bet that Eric will finally declare his love for her and that's because Nessa and I invited Prince Raymond Oren, a prince from Hawaii and Ria's ex boyfriend. Yep, Nessa and I decided they're both in the denial stage so we're helping them overcome it.

I'm pretty sure everyone else will be there. I groaned at the thought of the twins who'd be going as well. Prince Keith and Prince Barthow got even taller, bigger and musclier. I don't think I'd win against Prince Barthow in wrestling again, not that Gavier would ever let me do it one more time. Jeez if I ever as much look at a guy, he'd go kamikazee on me.

Speaking of Gavier, the annoying dude wants us to get married. Can you believe it?! Well, no shit.
And that wasn't the worst part. He wants to get married because he wanted to make babies not to have babies. You could imagine how red I was that day when he told me in front of his friends who whistled and high-fived him. I almost punched him.

Lucas on the other hand looked really happy with Nessa but sometimes Ria and I wanted to puke at how lovesick they are with each other. You don't want to know and see what Ria and I have gone through.

As for Prince Jarvis, he was still the usual psycho, crazy guy who can't distinguish a girlfriend to friend to an acquaintance. He told me Anastasia and him were just acquaintances but how he brings her to his performance shows and adventures didn't really convince me. I mean he asked me to come with him too but I kindly declined. I don't really want to climb the Mount Everest and throw bombs at the tip to see if it can transform into a volcano. I'm not that crazy.

He'd always visit me though and hug me. I'd rustle his already messy hair and laugh at his cuteness. For some reason Gavier was cool with it, he said that Jarvis was harmless.

Surprisingly Vincent Bach was actually Grayson's son and puberty did him well. He grew taller, handsomer in the past few months. He oozed so much pheromones that princesses would swoon and faint when he passes by especially when he was shirtless and mowing the lawn. But the guy only had eyes for Princess Livana who swears like it was her living when he so much as step towards her.

Princess Ellaria became very famous and popular because of her acrobatic skills. Her interviews were useless though because she'd only ask for cookies and start nagging the reporters for them. Nice tactic, maybe I should start doing that.

Prince Levi had been invited in many high standard universities but he didn't accept any of them but boy, was he glad when Bill Gates invited him to be his student. He nearly jumped over the moon.

Mrs. Wales left the academy for awhile as she was expecting a child. The great news made Mr. Hitler looked like he was the happiest man in the world although his smiles kind of creeps me out. It didn't suit his Hitler looks at all.

Dad on the other hand continued handling his business and kept rising to the top. He comes home frequently to visit me and have some family time. We'd go canoeing, shooting, hunting, skating--well you name it and each time it was really fun.

How about me? Well remember the time when I had an interview before with Gavier? It turned out the public really likes me and wants to know about me a little too much that they'd climb over the tall walls of the academy just to snap a picture of me.

So I was brought to my secret castle since the location of King and Queen Academy had become known. I was not to be let out till everything has calmed down.

The whole fiasco with Queen Elizabeth was such a shocking news that people doubted what had really happened.

I had forgiven Queen Elizabeth and her husband long ago. They were driven by greed and the need to have power. They were not themselves and was covered with lust.

Evil makes us devils and goodness makes us angels but deep inside, we are eternally pure. This is what I've learnt. Whether a devil or not, deep inside there's kindness and love becaue we're humans. We're always looking for happiness and someone who we can fully trust and fully love. Queen Elizabeth just looked for it in the wrong place.

I dismissed my thoughts away before I become even more philosophical. I'm not really sure what's the goal in life and my purpose but I trust myself to find out.

Excitedly, I tied the curtain to the window handles and threw it out of the window.

"Princess, we still have class! You also can't leave the castle until we know for sure that you'll be safe," Fred, my tutor said when he saw me. His eyes were wide and he had dropped his books from seeing me halfway through the window.

"Don't even bother, she'll still find a way out," Carlos said as he shook his head.

Carlos fortunately survived after the surgery and since he only ever serves one genuine queen I took him under my wing and he became my very own personal adviser. I listen to him even though his advices sometimes suck.

"You heard him." I smiled at Fred and winked.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning," I told Carlos and he shook his head again as he smiled in amusement.

I jumped out of the window, feeling the familiar adrenaline rush through me.

When I touched the ground there were shouts from the bodyguards and I ran like a cheetah, while throwing a stink bomb to slow them down. Jarvis' bombs could really become handy.

I quickly went into my red Rolls Royce and drove away. I was finally free.

I laughed as the wind blew on my face and put on my sunnies.

What can I say? I can't be locked up.

I'll always be the princess on the loose.

Thoughts? Comments? Please vote and tell me what you all think! This is the last chapter so I'd really appreciate it if you do.

*Screams in delight*
*Dances like a hippy*
*Cries like a baby*
*Feels like swag*

Please read the author's note after this. Love you guys like always! ;)

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