Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The moment we stepped in the arena, we were ushered to the side. A bunch of the staffs surrounded us and began cleaning us up like robots, their faces serious and calm at the same time.

"Hey! Careful that hurts!" I cried out loud when one of them started cleaning my injury with a cotton swab.

I was seated down, my face and arms were being cleansed with a wet towel. Ria and Nessa had both their arms up, each staff taking one arm and cleaning it with a damp cloth.

"Sorry Clarissa, it's our fault," Nessa said in a guilty tone.

"No don't think it's your fault, it's that psycho's fault." I gritted my teeth. We could have died.

"Relax Clarissa, he's not worth it." Ria patted me on the back, "Furthermore he doesn't listen to anyone."

"Except one person," Nessa added.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

They both looked at each other with a questioning look. "Ummm, I think it's better if you don't know," Nessa spoke up.

"It's Gavier." Ria's face remained deadpan.

"Ria!" Nessa slapped her shoulder.

What?! "Why?" I clenched my fists. What if Gavier was the one that told him to kill us? That bastard! I thought he was on my side. I thought he wanted me to win. I thought-

I thought we were friends.

"Clarissa!" Nessa clutched on my arm that wasn't injured to stop me.

"Relax." Ria caressed my shoulder.

I could feel my body tense, my fists on my side and I was standing up on my way to the psycho. His usual creepy smirk was etched on his mouth, as his mischievous eyes danced from one place to another. His hand was on one of the many round tables made of marble, his fingers tapping on it impatiently. He's so ugh.

I turned around to face my friends. "What are you guys worried about? I'm fine." I smiled to reassure them. I wasn't fine.

They both sighed as they sat back down. The staffs pinned our numbers on our dresses, mine was 50th while Ria's and Nessa's were 51st and 52nd.

I faked a smile at them again. "I'm going ahead guys," I announced. They both nodded their heads as the staffs continued to pin their ids and pins.

As I turned around and trudged my way in the middle of the arena where the contestants were supposed to be, grave and critical looks were thrown my way. One of them was the tech guy, Prince Levi. He glanced at my Id then went back to his computer. He began to type so fast, I could barely see his fingers. Princess Ellaria and Princess Livana were also there, sitting at the back, chatting amongst themselves as they looked at me.

But who cares whatever they were thinking, my mind was set on doing one thing.

I stopped in front of Prince Jarvis, as I glared at him. He smirked back, licking his lips as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh you're still alive?" His voice was deep with a heavy Russian accent and I could sense a tint of sadness in his words which irritated me more.

I bolted forward and clutched on his collar, glaring in his eyes. "I don't care who the fuck you are or what you want but if you ever put my friends in danger again, I'll be your worst nightmare," I threatened and let go, pushing him back harshly.

His face remained the same. "I can't wait for that nightmare." He laughed as if it was funniest thing ever. I swear this guy needs therapy.

"Interesting, Clarissa Marie Valdez," Prince Levi suddenly spoke up as he looked at his computer screen, "Daughter of what was once a con artist, the famous Richard Jackson Valdez who owns the Valdez company in Manhattan."

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