Chapter 29

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Judging from your comments, you guys seemed to have liked the previous chapter. This made me really happy, thank you! :D♥♥♥

Happy reading. ;) ✴✅♦

Chapter 29

I woke up alone and it felt weird. I'd gone used to Gavier by my side, that sleeping alone had become uncomfortable. Shit, that's not good. I shouldn't get attached.

"Good morning Clarissa. Have you seen Ria?" Nessa asked me as she yawned.

I yawned as well. I guess what people say about yawning is contagious was true.

I looked around and found Ria's bed fixed up and empty.

Nessa quickly jumped on my bed. "Did you know that she's been sneaking out early in the morning everyday?" she said in a hushed tone.

I shook my head. "Where does she go? And you don't have to whisper, we're alone."

"I don't know where she goes but it's really making me suspicious. I think she goes to the orchard and is secretly seeing someone," she continued in a low and quiet tone.

"You think it's a guy? And stop whispering it's only the two of--"

"Hurry up Clarissa! Let's go find out what she's up to."

I smiled. "Okay, Nancy Drew."

Ria what are you hiding from us?

We quickly got ready and went to the orchard. At first we couldn't find her. We were about to give up when we heard a male's voice.

I put a finger on my lips to shush Nessa and we stealthily crept our way behind the bush.

"I knew you'd finally give in to my charm dolzella," Eric said, kissing Ria's hair which he held.

Ria rolled her eyes. "Whatever, just do it. Let's get over with it."

"After this there's no going back. You have officially given your first kiss to me, aka the great Eric."

Nessa and I looked at each other wide-eyed.

"Your ego is as large as Russia."

He smirked and cupped her cheek. "Babe that's just one of my sexy traits. Close your eyes."

Ria fluttered her eyes closed and leaned towards him.

"Pucker up baby."

Eric had a smoldering, intense look in his eyes when he swooped down to kiss her. I gasped softly as Nessa covered her eyes with her hands.

Eric was such a wolf, he was rough and aggressive, as if he couldn't have enough of her. Ria on the other hand just followed his pace, not much really had changed with her expression except for the small tinges of pink on her cheeks.

When they finally let go, they gasped for air.

"How's that?" Eric looked  at Ria for answers.

Ria shrugged. "Fine."

"Fine? Just fine?!" Eric suddenly looked exasperated.

"Yes I guess it's fine," Ria continued.

Eric furiously ran a hand through his hair. "I just had the best kiss of my life and you said it was fine."

Ria glared at him. "Well sorry if I had nothing to compare it with. I only ever kissed you. Maybe I should kiss other guys then."

Eric clenched his fists. "Don't you dare kiss another guy. And don't even let those fuckers touch you, you understand?"

Whoah, possessive much.

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