Chapter 25: Fight

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Sam watched as Nicolas charged towards her like a bull heading for red. Sam braced herself as she stepped to the side just as he was about to tackle her, she stepped back a few times to create a distance between them. Nicolas skids to a stop and turns back to face Sam. He charges at her once more but this time in a way that Sam could not escape. He swung his closed fist directly towards Sam's jaw on her right side. Sam instantly lifted her right arm with her elbow bent at a ninety degree angle, her left hand on supporting her arm as she managed to stop the punch just shy of her face. She instantly pushed his fist away, leaving him open for a single moment. But Sam did not attack him. She stayed on the defensive as Nicolas stepped back.

" Sam!" Gabriel yelled as he tried his hardest to push past the members of his pack that held him back from interfering. Nicolas swung his fists one after the other, all while Sam easily dodged them. Nicolas growled to her as he went in for another punch but stopped when he was inches away from her blocking arm and instant moved his foot to connect with her side. Sam grunted as she flew to the ground heavily. Her side hurt with a stabbing pain, knowing he broke at least one of her ribs upon his kick. Sam scrunched her face with pain as she tried to pushing herself up.

" Weak, I thought you might have a bit of fight in your. But you really are all bark and not bite." Nicolas said, placing his foot onto her back and pushing her down heavily onto the ground; before chuckling softly. "Pun intended."

" Piss off." Sam hissed to him as the pain from his foot pressing down on her broken rib shocked through her.

" Well, I guess it was fun while it lasted. I'm gonna have fun disposing of your pack." He said with a smirk as his hand began to reach down her her head with the intent to snap her neck. Sam's eyes drifted towards Gabriel who's face showed multiple emotions as he watched the scene in front of him. He felt both that his world was about to collapse around him and an undeniable fear that rooted him to his position.

"Sam." He whispered as Nicolas's hand placed themselves on her chin and the other on the back of her head.

" Goodbye, Sam." Nicolas said and began to apply pressure ever so slightly.

" Sam!" Gabriel yelled to her. Sam then found a new courage and energy surge through her.

" No!" Sam snarled as she twisted a way the followed the way Nicolas was turning her head. The pressure lessened as threw Nicolas off her and several feet away.

" You think I was not attacking you because I was weak?" Sam asked as she ran at him and brought a punch heavily down onto his right arm, breaking the bone easily.

" You think I would let you break my rib because I cannot defend myself?" Sam hissed as she Kicked his right side hard causing him to roll over several times.

" You think I would let you nearly snap my neck because I was ready to die?" Sam growled stepping towards him as Nicolas grunted pushing himself up.

" Do you think, I would easily fucking give up when my pack's lives are at risk from you?" Sam snarled loudly as she picked up Nicolas by his collar with all the strength she could muster.

" You think, I would let you even think about going within a foot of my mate. Then you, Nicolas, are sorely mistaken." Sam spat as she punched his face several times before through him down to the ground again.

" While you were to busy on the attack, I was assessing you. I found that you mainly fight with your right side. So the first thing I did, was break your right arm and your right ribs." Sam spoke as she launched a kick into his side again.

" I see. You may not be as stupid and weak as I first thought." Nicolas chuckled spitting blood from his mouth as he wheezed heavily.

" Well. Glad you have come to your senses." Sam hissed as she went to kick him again but he grabbed her foot and pulled her. Sam fell onto her back with a thud and her head smacked against the ground. Her vision blacked out momentarily but when it returned everything was a blur and Gabriel's distant yells were the only sound she could hear.

" And do you, mutt, think you can kill me." Nicolas growled as he moved so he was straddling her and his hands wrapped tightly around her neck, cutting off her air supply. Sam struggled to breath as she hit his arms and tried her hardest to pry away his hand. Slowly her body became weaker and her hits drowned out into taps.

" Now die." Nicolas whispered as he smashed his fist into her stomach, ripping through the skin and muscle. Sam's mouth flung open in pain as hus cold hands moved around in her abdomen.

"NO!" Gabriel yelled as he watched Sam's hand fall limply by her sides and her eyes slowly close. Her heart slowly drifted to a stop and everywhere fell silent. Nicolas smirked as he ripped his hand loudly from her stomach. Gabriel was planted directly to where he was, he knew that it would have been soon that he and Sam would have been seperated. But not this soon, not like this.

" Take them all." Nicolas ordered his men as they started to pin down pack members that tried to resist. Nicolas looked to Gabriel with a mocking smirk as he wiped his blood covered hand on a cloth.

" Kill him." He smirked as two vampires walked over to him. Gabriel watched Nicolas as he smirked while watching his men. Gabriel watched as his smirked fell and his face turned to a pained looking. He grunted and groaned as his pale face slowly turned ashen grey and his red glowing eyes dulled down to a black colour and lost there shine. He buckled and fell to his knees to reveal Sam standing holding a heart in her right arm. Nicolas's heart.

" Never turn you back to your enemy." Sam growled as the heart in her hand dropped to the ground.

" He lost! You leeches must honour your masters pledge and leave! Never return to the place again!" Sam yelled out as the vampires all turned and ran off while a few snarled angrily at Sam before disappearing from the pack lands.

" Sam?" Gabriel asked as he watched Sam turn and smile to him. Everyone stood still not daring to move and Sam just smiled to Gabriel.

" You're all safe now." She whispered before dropping to the ground. Gabriel's eyes grew wide as he rushed over to her.


Badass Rejectedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें