Chapter 5: Right Wing

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"Gabriel has said you will need to stay in his room as there are no free rooms at the moment," John said as he stopped halfway up the stairs.

" What?" Sam spoke as she also stopped on the stairs a few steps up.

" The top floor only has two-room, Gab's and my own," John said as he smirked at Sam before continuing walking up the stairs. Sam grumbled words under her breath as she followed John closely.

" Just as long as the bastard keeps his hands to himself and he sleeps on the floor." She hissed as John laughed and stopped at the top of the stairs. The wide, open living area was effortlessly modern, with creamy beige colours accented with brown wood. The cream leather sofa surrounded a glass table on a fluffy white rug. Deep brown laminate flooring lined the room before cream walls held up the white roof. A large flat-screen TV hung on a wall that the sofa faced with a large grey stone fireplace. As they stood on the stairs' landing, she noticed the large windows stood on the furthest wall from them.

" So, to the left is my wing," John said, pointing to the left where there was a wooden closed door across from the fireplace and TV. "And to the right will be Gab's and now your wing." Pointing to the right where there was an identical door.

" Come on, I will show you around," John said, placing a hand on the small of her back, guiding her towards the right-wing. John opened the door to reveal a cream-coloured hallway with dark wood skirting and a cream carpet. The enclosed hall was lit with a soft golden colour—three dark wood doors were all that decorated the place—one at the very end, facing Sam and the other two facing each other.

" Okay, so the one on the left," John said, guiding Sam to the door. He opened one and showed her inside them. "Is Gab's office, gaming and private living room. Along with his kitchen." John told her the place was a smaller version of the joined living room with a desk. John closed that door and turned to open the next.

" And this is the bathroom which also joins onto the bedroom," John said as he opened the door to show a warm cream and beige bathroom with tiles lining the floor and walls. A shower stood in the right-hand corner closest to the door with a large white jacuzzi bath against the large singular window that took up most of the wall. A sink stood to her left with a large mirror and a toilet closer to the bath.

" Now, for the bedroom," John said, guiding Sam to the last door, and he waited for her to open it. When she did, Sam was stunned by the simple beauty of it. For a man, the room was in good taste. An off-white carpet covered the whole floor and an old wooden chest at the bottom of the giant California king bed. Black and white patterned sheets covered the bed with an array of pillows. A crystal chandelier hung from the middle of the roof, and two large bed lamps stood on bedside tables. A large flat-screen TV was on the wall facing the bed with a set of drawers underneath, holding a single picture frame. The large windows off the side of the room looked out over the forests behind the house.

" It's Beautiful," Sam said, confused. "I was expecting something. Well, something not like this." She managed to say as John laughed happily.

" Well, I will leave you here," John said. He nodded and turned around to the door.

" Wait!" Sam called before going over to him. "Could you do me a huge favour?"

"What?" John asked with a smile.

" I need you to go and pick something up. Do you have a piece of paper or somewhere I can put an address?" She asked him as John nodded and pulled out his phone. Quickly putting it onto notes, he handed it over to Sam, who put in an address.

" What is it I need to get?" As Sam handed back the phone, he asked, and John looked at the address.

" I need you to pick up my bike; you took the keys when you found me," Sam said as John nodded and turned away.

" I will get it right now," John spoke as he walked away, closing the door behind him. Sam smiled and turned around to face the room. She walked over to the bed and sat down on it. It had been such a long time since she slept on a bed or anything other than the ground. Sam smiled as she kicked off her boots and lay back on the bed. She curled up into a ball and drifted off into a gentle sleep. 


"Gab, Sam asked me to go and get her something out of town. I won't be long." John said as he passed Gabriel on the stairs. Gabriel nodded as he walked up the stairs towards the right-wing. When Gabriel opened the first door, he was hit with the smell of strawberries and chocolate. He smiled, quietly walked to his room, and opened the door to see Sam in a ball sleeping on his bed. He quietly walked over to her and looked down at her sleeping form.

" I'm so sorry; I should never have hurt you as I did," Gabriel spoke gently and truthfully as he brushed the back of his fingers over her smooth cheek. The tingles hit him as soon as they touch, sending pleasure through him and forming a smile on his lips. Sam shifted slightly to lean into his touch as a soft purr came from her mouth. A smile began to shape her lips as Gabriel cupped her cheek and caressed his thumb over her pale-coloured skin. His eyes fluttered to her blood-red lips that called to him. Images of the past flashed through Gabriel's head, memories of Sam when she wore next to no make-up and dressed in simple pastel colours—trying to keep attention away from herself. But now she has changed so much. She wears leather and tight-fitting jeans, showing off her heavenly figure.

" So beautiful." He whispered as he leaned down and gently placed his lips on her forehead. His face scrunched with agony up knowing the pain she was going through. He stood up and walked to the door.

" Please... Stay..." Sam whispered in her sleep as she shifted to lay with her head against the pillows. Gabriel stopped for a second, unsure of what to do. He knew the right thing to do was leave and go and sleep on the sofa, but her plea was too hard for him to resist. Gabriel carefully walked over to the bed where she lay. He looked down at her in thought for a moment before pulling off his shirt. He manoeuvred himself onto the bed to lay down next to her, keeping a distance between them. But that was futile as Sam instantly moved closer to him and placed her head onto his chest, curling into his side for heat. The tingles sent between them were like nothing Gabriel had ever felt before. Gabriel wrapped his strong arms around her and pulled Sam close; he buried his face into her hair, breathing in her sweet, addictive scent. Before finding himself beginning to drift off into peaceful sleep. Everything felt so right at that moment, to have Sam in his arms sleeping. For a moment, his whole world felt complete.

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