Chapter 24: Attack

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" Nicolas, just the tick I hunting for." Sam smirked as she tightened her grip on her daggers and glared at him. Nicolas smirk as she walked forwards towards her with his right hand tucked into his formal trousers pocket. He wore a dark grey suit with a white shirt underneath, the top two buttons left open in place of a tie. His brown hair styled to perfection sleek back and his glowing red eyes stared Sam up and down.

" Now, now. That's a bit harsh don't you think?" His smooth voice drifted through the thick air. Vampires are built to pull in their prey, they are built with attractive features and a scent that pulls in their prey. They have the power to bend a mind to their will or erase and/or give memories. Their speed and agility can easily match that of a werewolf.

" Not harsh enough." Sam muttered quietly as she took in a breath and straighten her back. "Leave the pack alone."

" Now why would I do that? You know, it's only fitting I kill a few of your friends seeing as you killed a few of my own." Nicolas spoke moving his left hand from his chest to her then back a few times.

" Please, these people have done nothing but try and live. It's me you want." Sam begged him as she hit her chest once.

" I see... Tell you what. I will give you a choice." He spoke with ease. "We have a fight to the death. If you win, My followers will leave your pack alone and you can live the rest of your... life." He smirked to her causing Sam to growl at him.

" And if you win?" She asked wanting to know the consequences if she accepted and lost.

" I kill. Every. Single Wolf here. I will kill the the children first, in front of their parents. Then I will ripped away mates from each other and kill the females in front of the males. I will then keep the men alive, with their lives ruined and their families ripped away from them. I will watch as they crumble from the inside out. Once they are numb and no longer wishing to live. Then and only then, will I kill them so slowly." He spoke with each word dripping with evil and joy.

" Fine, but when I win and I kill you. Your minions must leave this pack alone, and never touch it again." Sam spoke just to make sure that if she did kill him, nothing would happen to the pack.

" Yes." He said as Sam took in a breath, her eyes closed as her head dropped to look down.

" Fi..." Sam spoke.

" Like hell you will!" A deep familiar voice called behind her.

" Shit." Sam muttered before rubbing her eyes with a deep groan.

" Piss off Gabriel! In case you did not notice, I am trying to win you and the pack's freedom." Sam hissed to him as Gabriel stormed forward and stopped in front of her, looking down at her with a heavy glare. Dirt and blood coated his rough looking face as his harsh blue eyes glared down at her.

" You said you would stay inside." He snarled lowly to Sam.

" Really, and you believed me? I will not stay in that fucking room! While other are fighting for my shitty mess!" Sam growled right back at him.

" I want you too leave and go back to my office. Right now and we will talk about this later." Gabriel hissed grabbing her upper and and began to drag her away from the vampires.

" Gabriel! Stop!" Sam yelled ripped her arm from his iron grasp. She looked down to the ground and then up to Gabriel's eyes with a sad expression.

" I'm sorry Gabriel. But if it means you and everyone stays safe. Then I will sacrifice the last days I have left happily." Sam whispered to him and lifted her hand up to his dirty cheek.

"Please don't do this." Gabriel whispered to her as Sam sighed. "I can't let you go just yet." He whispered.

" I'm sorry, Gabriel." Sam whispered. "Nicolas!" Sam called out as she pulled away from Gabriel.

" Sam, please don't." Gabriel begged her as Sam closed her eyes shut tightly.

" I'm sorry, Gab." Sam shook her head and turned quickly to face a smiling vampire.

" No... Don't." Gabriel begged behind her and placed a hand onto her shoulder.

" Let's do this." Sam spoke with a new emotion written on her face.

" Wonderful." Nicolas said and motioned for Sam to come forward.

" Sam stop." Gabriel begged as she walked forward. He went to stop her from moving forward but two vampire instantly stopped him by blocking the space between them.

" Okay, rule of this engagement. One, this fight is between you and I, no one else. Two, this is a fight to the death. Three, no weapons." He said as vampires appeared next to Sam and stripped her of her weapons. "Four, The fight stays within this area." He said pointing around to the vampires surrounding an area just large enough to sustain a fight.

" Fine." Sam nodded understanding the rules as Gabriel tried to make her consider.

" Oh and another rule. If your mate interferes with this fight... You automatically forfeit and you both die first, then the pack." He smirked happily as he too off his suit jacket and handed it to a vampire that stood next to him.

" Fine." Sam spoke looking back at Gabriel who looked like hell had just shown itself to him. Sam pleaded with her eyes for him not to interfere.

" Okay. Lets get this started." Nicolas said rolling up his sleeves.

" Wait, You have gotten all of your conditions. I only have two conditions." Sam told him as Nicolas thought for a moment but nodded.

" The first, I want the pack to witness the fight and for two judges. One wolf and on leech. Sam spoke and Nicolas nodded his head.

" You mate can call them. Seeing as the Alpha is your mate, it will be the Beta of your pack." He said as Sam nodded.

" Agreed, The second request is simple. If I do loss, and you... Kill me. Respect the dead, give the pack proper burials. I don't care what you do with me, just treat them with respect." Sam asked as a shocked look appeared on his face.

" You know, just because I am growing to like you. I will agree to that request and I will throw in a benefit for you as well. When you die, you have my word that your body will be respected and buried next to your mate in a marked grave." Nicolas said with a kindness she did not expect. Sam smiled so softly to him, his mouth opened slightly at the smile; something which no one has done to him for a long time. He was always used to the stone cold glare and the hateful look, or one of submission. But his smile, was that of a gently kindness towards him.

" Thank you." Sam whispered. A moment went by before Nicolas shook himself out of it and placed on his battle demeanor.

" Right, let's get this over with. Shall we?"

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