Chapter 21: Outing

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18 Days

" Gab, I have too go somewhere." Sam spoke as she walked into his office without knocking on the door. Gabriel looked up at her from his paperwork with a stern glare.

" Before you say no, I want you to come with me." She quickly put in as Gabriel opened his mouth and the quickly shut it. He seemed to ponder over the though for a while before sighed.

" Where too and who long?" He asked deeply as Sam walked over to his desk and leaned on the side of a chair.

" We will only be gone two days max." Sam smirked to him turning around and walking to the door. "Be ready in ten minutes. We need to leave before dinner." She muttered and opened the door.

"Wait! Where are we going?" Gabriel asked as Sam just smirked.

" You'll find out. When we get there." Sam said and slipped out the door. She quickly rushed down the stairs and towards the garage where her bike was stored. She got to the white wooden door that lead into the cold room, to the right of the door was a rack of small hooks with different keys on them. There was names on top of the hooks and keys showing who's where who's. Sam scanned the keys looking for her seat when she found them hanging on a hook, but her fingers went for the name above it. Her keys hung to the right of key's with the tag Alpha. The label on top of hers said 'Luna'. It seemed pretty worn out, like someone had continuously ran a finger over the name.

" You found your keys then?" A voice called behind her as she turned around and saw John standing their with his hands in his pockets. He walked up to her and looked at the keys. "You know, Gab runs his finger over the 'Luna' tag every time he takes his keys. He does it slyly thinking no one can see. But I do, every time he does it." John spoke as Sam sighed softly.

" John, does he regret it? He tells me he does, but I he might just be saying that because I am dying. But you... You are his best friend. He tells you everything and does not lie to you. So tell me." Sam said looking at John directly into his eyes. "Does he regret rejecting me?"

" Sam, he told me the day he done it. I could see through his tough act. Rejecting you hurt him beyond belief. After he found out you had disappeared, he closed himself off. He become hard and unable to socialize properly like before. But every time I asked him if he was alright, I could see the pain in his eyes." John said as Sam felt tears string against her brown eyes. "I can tell you this, it was the biggest mistake of his life. Not only does he have to suffer for it stupid actions, but so does the pack; who now live Luna-less."

" I see, but in a way. This is my fault." Sam whispered looking to the ground.

" In what way?" John asked confused at her words.

" I was not strong enough." Sam whispered as she grabbed her keys and walked through the door. As she was about to close the door John spoke causing her to stop.

" You are beyond strong enough." He spoke as Sam never said a word as she walked further into the garage and over to her bike that was parked in the middle of the large room filled with expensive cars. She walked over and lifted her leg over and sat down on the seat. Placing the keys into the ignition, she started the bike allowing it to roar into life. She twisted the throttle several times before lifting the stand and moving off and out the garage to the front door where Gabriel was standing waiting for her. A backpack placed firmly onto his back with a frown marrying his face.

" Get on." Sam called to him as he shook his head to her.

" No, we are not taking that. We will take my car." Gabriel said as Sam chuckled shaking her head at him.

" We can't. Where we are going, you can only reach by bike." Sam said as Gabriel sighed and jumped on the bike behind her. He wrapped his strong arms around her waist.

" You know, this should be the other way around." Gabriel whispered huskily into her right ear, Sam revved the engine once before balancing the bike and zooming off out the driveway and down the grit road. Sam soon turned off and onto the road and increased the speed, breaking the speed limit by around thirty miles an hour. The wind wiped past her and Gabriel as she drove smoothly with Gabriel keeping his arms tightly around her waist, his thumbs rubbing circles over her stomach. His head dipped into the nape of her neck and took in deep breaths of her scent. It took at least a few hours before Sam slowed down and pulled into a small turn off. As she drove down the rode, the forest on either side grew thicker and the tarmac road disappeared into a dirt path.

" So where exactly are we going?" Gabriel asked growing suspicious as they drove deeper into the forest.

" Do you remember when I told you about the time I was found just after I ran away!" Sam yelled over the wind.

" Yeah, you were found by a Native American." Gabriel spoke to her as she nodded. Gabriel then clicked as he now understood Sam was going to see this 'Grandfather' that saved Sam's life. It took around five more minutes before Sam pulled her bike to a stop and switched the engine off.

" Listen to men, Gabriel." Sam spoke as he stood up off the bike. Sam followed after him and stood in front of him. " What ever Grandfather says, do not argue with him." Sam spoke as she walked swiftly past him. Gabriel frowned and followed her as they walked towards a small wooden Cabin.

" Grandfather." Sam called out and a old man dressed in native American clothing walked around a corner. Beads and feathers adorned him long black hair -which was greying- with coloured paint over his olive coloured skin.

" Ah, my daughter." He spoke as he placed a hand onto his chest at the same time as Sam. They moved their hands forward towards each other with a nod.

" How are you?" Sam asked with a smile.

" As fair as I can be, my child." His old wise voice sounded through the air.

" And who might this be? I see he is another child of the moon." Grandfather spoke as Sam nodded to him. Grandfather walked up to Gabriel with a small smile.

" Grandfather, I would like you to meet the Alpha of the Red River pack. Alpha Gabriel." Sam introduce him to Grandfather, who's face went stone hard.

" The man who rejected you as his mate?" His hard voice sounded as Sam answered him with a simple yes.

" Why did you bring him here. He is not welcome in my home." Grandfather growled and turned around walking away. Sam glanced at Gabriel with an apologetic look before turning to Grandfather again.

" Grandfather, please listen." Sam begged him as he continued to walk to him cabin.

" Why would you bring the man that cause you this suffer to the only place you safe." Grandfather scolded her as Sam sighed and clutched her head from the slowly growing pain.

" You must understand me, Grandfather. I am growing weaker everyday, I can barely stay awake a full day or eat more than a meal a day. I asked Gabriel to accompany me so that if something happen, he could take me home." Sam said heavily as she took in heavy breaths, Gabriel noticed this and began to walk over to her.

" Sam?" Gabriel began as he stood by her side looking down at her.

" I came here to ask a favor from you. You see being the Alpha's mate, I am a Luna and when a Luna dies the pack begins to fall apart as well. I need to know if there is anyway you can stop that happening to the pack." Sam asked as Grandfather looked at her and though.

" I may be able to help with that." He spoke to her and Sam took in a deep breath before letting it out with a smile. Gabriel watched as Sam's face drained of colour and she leaned against his shoulder.

" I need to lay do..." She began before she cut off and fell limp. Gabriel managed to catch her before she could hit the ground.

" Sam?" Gabriel asked as Grandfather walked over and examined Sam for a moment.

" She is weakened by travel. With rest she will be fine. Bring here inside and place her on the bed." He ordered Gabriel, who felt let biting back at his rudeness but remember what Sam had told him. So he bit his tongue and complete the old man's orders.

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