Care and Naps

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I made my way to the cafeteria looking for some quick and easy things Aizawa could eat so he would at least be able to work with some energy other than coffee.

I swear, he only takes care of himself 7% of the time. No wonder he is always so tired looking but I'm glad he at least sleeps when he can.

I did a quick scan of some of the foods displayed, deciding to pick finger foods over those that require a fork or spoon. My eyes fell on a cupcake with the design of a black cat in the frosting. The image made me smile and I didn't hesitate to grab it for him, paying for the food and putting it into a bag I brought, I began to head back to the classroom with a little more pep in my step, only to hear someone being extremely loud and obnoxious. I turned toward the sound and saw class 1A sitting together.

Aw! That's so...

"You guys think just because you're in class 1A, you're all tough?" An over-the-top laugh was added after that comment and I rolled my eyes so hard, they may as well have been a pair of dice.

I raised an eyebrow when I recognized the face of the one currently hurling insults like free but unwanted candy.

Nice to know Monoma is just as much of a jerk in person as in the manga. He is so annoying already, and I've only just heard him!

I was barely conscious of the fact I was already headed toward him. Seeing red because of this dumb behavior was new, but this guy..!

"Hey! They're in class 1A because they freaking earned it! You got a problem with that, then maybe work harder to prove yourself instead of being louder and just declaring yourself better!" I had basically shouted at this kid, but he had the nerve to turn around and look like he was going to rip into me next.

I'm gonna give him the beating of a lifetime if he even tries it! I may look young but I am not in the mood for this!

Suddenly, he was karate chopped and collapsed promptly to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

"Sorry about him! He isn't always..."

"Yes, he is." I interrupted with a laugh. Kendo looked surprised at that but laughed with me. As she began to drag him away, I added a quick statement. "Please let him know that if I see him do that ever ever EVER again, he and I are gonna have problems. Okay?"

I had started the statement with a lighthearted smile but ended it with my best Aizawa soul snatching glare. She gave a nervous chuckle and nodded.

I turned back to the table of Class 1A and waved. "See you guys after lunch!"

By the time I had gotten back to the classroom, it had been almost half the lunch break. I was extremely glad that I had opted for things that could be eaten quickly. I walked in to see Aizawa in cocoon style on the floor beside the desk and tried to quietly make my way in further.

Only a few of the papers looked like they had been touched, but it was understandable. I walked over to the desk to place the coffee and food down before making a quick decision.

Aizawa's POV

I knew someone came into the classroom, but since lunch wasn't over, I didn't move. I did open one eye upon hearing female muttering, smiling to myself as I already knew exactly who it was.

He watched as she put food and coffee down on his desk, smile turning sad at knowing who those were for.

I remember telling her to go get lunch for her. She brought back food and coffee for me and her. Stubborn and illogical woman.

He thought it was pretty funny that she hadn't noticed he was watching her, but realized she was picking up large stacks of papers from his desk. After she had grabbed a few pens, she came over to where he was sitting.

He quickly shut his eyes so he wouldn't be caught.

What is she doing...?

He suddenly felt body warmth next to him. When he believed it unlikely to be seen with his eyes open, he looked at her once again. She had brought papers to grade while she sat next to him, placing herself just close enough so he could smell a light floral scent coming off her. He watched with surprise as she scored the papers correctly, moving quickly and efficiently, separating stacks based on students and subject. She put the back of her hand against her mouth as she yawned, having gotten through most of the stack with only 10 minutes of lunch time left.

"Sleepy Shota is rubbing off on me now.."

He couldn't help but smile at that.

Sleepy Shota? Seriously? There is no correlation between me sleeping and you being sleepy.'s cute.

He closed his eyes to go ahead and sleep a little while longer.

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