Being Shown Around

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A/N: I added this chapter before and forgot to add it. I'm not going to say exactly how many times I had to check to realize I missed it but ANYWAY HERE YA GO

I've seen so many illustrations about UA, but dude!

I stood in front of the school and felt about as big as an ant.


The sound of Toshinori chuckling from beside me, snapped me out of my fangirl daze. I smiled awkwardly and muttered soft apologies. "This place is truly amazing! I can't believe you guys work here! That just makes you even more amazing!" I said as I still looked around in wonder.

Toshinori felt a twinge of jealousy when he realized she wasn't just talking about him. He didn't blame her at all, but jealousy was definitely a new emotion he didn't have a lot of experience with. He continued to smile, only to have her stop and stare at him.

"Toshi, you should be so proud! I'm definitely proud of you!"

Toshinori felt that familiar heat rise up in his cheeks before he cleared his throat and continued to show her around.

Toshinori showed me around the school and I ended up passing several students I recognized. Once he showed me several places and where to go, he apologized saying he suddenly had to visit one of his students. When he quickly ran off, I continued to see how many faces I would be able to recognize and came across a very familiar face which reminded me of a certain very tired hero.

I saw Shinso from a little ways away and thought about how, man the stories about how he could be Aizawa's kid....they have a point for sure!

"Why are you here at a hero school, Shinso? Don't you know villains can't become heroes?"

Excuse me!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Before I could stop myself, I was already standing next to Shinso mad as can be at this jerk for being horribly evil.

Who cares if I'm older. I'm going to put this kid in his place!

"What is your problem!? You can't just call people villains just because you don't like their quirk!"

I'm practically seething. I was bullied as a kid too and always hated it if I saw it being done to others.

"What? It's true! He has a quirk for a villain! Everyone knows it!" He said, looking back at his gaggle of jerks.

"Oh wow!" I started in a monotoned voice. "I had no idea people could choose to have a villain quirk before their born. How...stupid!" I ended the last bit with such a blast, they were more than surprised.

Thoroughly pissed off, I grabbed Shinso's hand and pulled him with me, not paying attention to how I'm basically talking to myself and he's feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Freaking jerks! No matter who you are or where you go, there's always some jerk who thinks they can point out what they see as a weakness just to be cruel!"

I had been seething and ranting for at least 5 minutes before coming to the realization that I am still holding this guys' hand!

I squeaked and apologized and threw out so many apologies, they might as well have been candy.

He just stared at me and I suddenly felt myself go still. "Who are you?"


"Why did you help me?"

"I want to protect you."

I felt my body relax again. When I realized what happened, Shinso was already a good distance away. I noticed a small note in my hand, hurriedly scribbled.


I sighed and let my shoulders droop in disappointment before turning and walking away to throw myself into the deepest pit I could find.

I was only trying to help. Am I really that weird that everyone feels the need to use their quirk on me? At least he knows now that I wasn't trying to hurt him. He even thanked me, so that's a good sign! I hope I see him again.

As I continued on my way, I bumped into my favorite loud hero.

"Hey my little songbird! How's it going?!?"

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