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The excitement of Present Mic, even though it's loud as all get out, was very welcome, making me smile from the inside out without even thinking about it.

I beamed up at him and quickly embraced him.

Yamada holds a place in my heart already. They all do, so I want to show them any chance I get. When I pulled back with a bright smile, I realized he was standing in front of a classroom, but...

"Aren't you supposed to be teaching?" I asked while peering inside. "Where's all your students? You slacking off again, Mr. PresentMic?" I joked.

"Songbird, you have offended me deeply." He said with puppy eyes before replacing it with his playful smile. He only stared at me and the longer he did, the more I realized that I hugged him, but he never let go. He looked down at me with so much warmth that I could feel my heart in my ears.

Those freaking gorgeous eyes...

"I know you work very hard my beloved hero!" I pulled away with a smile. "There's no way someone with such an amazing heart could be anywhere else. I know you've earned your place here and I think you're a good man!"

His response wasn't how I believed it would be. He suddenly closed the gap and I felt warmth on my lips.

MY LIPS!?!?!?!?! HIS LIPS?!?!?!?!


Yamada couldn't stand how cute she is. How sweet she always was. His heart had been hers from the moment they met and while he knew that was romanticism in it's most extreme side, he didn't bother to worry too much about it. Being a pro hero had it's ups and downs, but the one spoken of the least is the loneliness. With her, he knew that loneliness would be far from him.


I blinked and found myself staring at a ceiling. Another ceiling I am not used to.

Seriously, is this gonna be a thing forever? Waking up to random ceilings at random moments for all eternity?!?!?!

"Hello, young lady!"

I turned my head toward the sweet voice of an older woman, recognizing it but not believing it at the same time.

I jumped up with pure excitement as soon as I realized it was true.



I totally shouted in this poor womans' face.

I immediately began to apologize but she smiled and patted my knee with such tenderness that I wanted to keep trying to apologize anyway.

"Don't worry, it's fine. It's nice to still see others recognize me and be excited still."


"Why am I in here? I don't remember getting hurt or anything..."

"I'll let him tell you what he did."

Him? Which him and should I also be worried and upset about this him?

She pointed to the opposite side of my bed where I saw Yamada looking so sad like he had been kicked repeatedly by an unknown force for hours.

"I'm sorry. I should have showed way more self-control, songbird."

He seriously looks so sad.

Oh wait......?!?!?!?!?

As my heart rate began to skyrocket once again, I felt another pat on my knee to calm me down. "Please don't faint again, dear. He'll be louder than ever while he stresses over your condition again." Recovery Girl said while throwing a glare his way.

I actually fainted because I got kissed by Present Mic. I'm an idiot. A HUGE idiot.

I cupped Yamada's cheek and smiled at him, doing my best to comfort him for my unreasonable reaction. "I'm not mad or anything. You just surprised me. A lot!"

He looked at me doubtfully. "Really?"


I suddenly heard a very tired sigh after my panicked screech.

I made a very hesitant glance over my shoulder to see Aizawa flashing his red eyes at Yamada.

What next?!?!?!

I began trying to come up with a way of not immediately having a stroke, when I looked past Yamada and see a very quiet green bean.


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