The Field Trip I Dreaded

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I got so distracted by hanging out with the students, I didn't even notice we had made it until the sound of Aizawa's voice informed me we had. He had only barely lifted his head from my shoulder when he spoke, so I was a little scared he hadn't slept very well because of me.

Did he even sleep at all? The bus literally just stopped...

I allowed the students off first, staying seated as each student passed with smiles, some more small than others. I made sure to continue smiling at all of them, causing two particular characters to look visibly confused.

"What are you smiling at, Extra?" Bakugo boomed.

Todoroki continued walking past after giving a small nod of acknowledgement, but I felt my heart warm when he turned before getting off the bus and gave a gentle smile before getting off.

So cuuuuute!

I could feel the excitement amongst the students, allowing me to share their excitement as we walked on. I made eye contact with Aizawa who was just beyond the students waiting for them to enter into the building. I felt my cheeks grow warm before suddenly feeling a huge amount of familiarity with the look of the building.

Why is it...this looks like...

I managed to keep walking toward Aizawa, who seemed to notice the amount of confusion written all over my face.

"This is the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. We shorten it to U.S.J." The moment the words came out of his mouth, I felt my heart come to a painful stop.

My mouth went dry, and I felt the intense need to warn them, but most of them were already inside the building.

There is absolutely no way I am running. I refuse!I have to have some way of being able to help them, though.

The memory of seeing them fight so hard, and especially the memory of Aizawa being practically beaten to a pulp while fighting to protect his students set my blood on fire.

Aizawa stood waiting for me at the door, keeping it propped open, when I suddenly had an idea.

"Sho, can I borrow your phone?" I didn't mean for my voice to crack. I am trying so hard to keep it together, so I don't scare them, but I failed miserably.

Aizawa's POV

In the short time I've known Y/n, she has been kind and endearingly awkward. I've been waiting by the door for her and see her muttering to herself. As she got closer, I heard her say something about not letting them get hurt.

That immediately grabbed my attention, but before I could grow suspicious of her, she asked for my phone.

"Why?" Was my one-word question. I need to know, and I am sure she knows this. The look of pure terror on her face didn't escape my notice. I watched her steady her breathing before beginning.

"I need to call Nezu." Aizawa looked over her carefully before handing her his phone. Listening to her give Nezu information that she couldn't have known would have been terrifying had she not said the next thing.

It seems Nezu also asked some questions, too many and I could see her beginning to panic.

"Please.." Was all she breathed out while trying to continue. "There'll be too many for him and I don't want him or any of them to get hurt. Please Nezu, please." The way she begged made his heart ache and his mind twist with confusion at the same time.

Just how bad could it be?

I saw her seem to sigh in relief before saying yes and handing the phone over to me, Nezu still on the line. She stood at the door, taking a deep breath, before walking in to be with the students.

"Y/n seems to be very worried about an attack on the students. While that cannot be possible, we are sending a few pros closer to your area to be on the lookout in case her fears are confirmed."

Aizawa tilted his head in Y/n's direction, who seemed to be trying to maintain her usual excitement, even though he could tell it was clearly strained.

The way she walked into the building like she is preparing for something and the way she practically begged Nezu for assistance, he couldn't help but question Nezu on one thing.

"Who is it that she doesn't want to get hurt?" The question seemed incredibly foolish to even ask at this point, because even though he is a Pro Hero, knowing her...

Nezu let out his usual manic laugh before answering. "Aizawa, I think you are very aware of who she is referring to. There are already a few pros in the area in case they are needed. Stay vigilant."

Aizawa ended the call and turned to enter the building as he saw Y/n smiling at the students. The woman who had just looked so terrified is desperately attempting to look calm. He couldn't help but feel proud because he knew she was doing that to keep his students calm.

He walked toward her, mentally preparing himself for whatever might occur as the door to the U.S.J. shut behind him.

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