Episode 3: Tweedles' Office (Y/n)

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Me and Bluebeard arrived at The Tweedles' office. Someone was sweeping the floor. Bluebeard pushed him away. "Hey!" He said. "Oh, hi. Y/n. And Bluebeard." It was Flycatcher, a Fable that Crane fired from the business office. "Hey Flycatcher. How have you been?" I asked him.
"I'm fine." Flycatcher said. "Can i help you with anything?"
"We're uhh, looking for Dee and Dum-"
"Open that damn door, we need into the Tweedle's office!" Bluebeard yelled.
"Bluebeard, settle down! Flycatcher hasn't done anything." I told him. Flycatcher opened the door. "We're gonna take a quick look around." I told him. "It's official business."
"Just let us look." Bluebeard ordered. He pushed past us and looked around. I checked a file cabinet. It was on Beauty, saying "CM" had interest. Who is "CM"?
I found Crane's file and saw he owned The Crooked Man money. "Find anything?" Bluebeard asked.
"No, Bluebeard." I said, irritated. I looked at a desk and saw a jar of lollipops. "Told you, you wouldn't find anything." Flycatcher said. "What if you're wrong about them?"
"Bigby got shot by them. That girl's body that was found, it was Lily's. They showed up with shotguns. Two other Fables, Holly and Gren, also got shot. And Snow and I almost got our heads blown off." I told him, calmly. Flycatcher went to a file cabinet. Bluebeard came to us. "Maybe what you're looking for is back here. Theres a room behind this." He said.
"Good. Finally something. I suppose they hid the key?" Bluebeard said as he showed the key. He opened it and moved the cabinet. It went to a flight of stairs. The three of us went down to the basement. "What are you looking for anyway? I can help." Flycatcher asked. I went to a can and opened it. It had a note and a roll of money in it. "We're looking for anything about Crane or his witch." I said. "And based on this he's working with...The Crooked Man?" I said to myself. "Bigby told me about him." I pocketed the money. Bigby did it twice and will probably do it again at Crane's place, I think I can do it once. "Do you think I could come back to The Woodlands?" Flycatcher asked us.
"Oh, of course. I don't think this can be an easy work environment." I said. "Head to the Business Office when you can."
"Oh, for fuck sake, no he can't come back! He's involved somehow!" Bluebeard said. "And you're being too damn kind to this punk!" Bluebeard came to us and punched Flycatcher in the eye. "Ow! Gosh!" He yelled.
"What else do you know?! Tell us!" Bluebeard demanded.
"Get back!" I told Bluebeard. I can't fight this guy. I'm not weak, but I'm not a Fable. Bluebeard tried punching me, but I moved quickly. I took the broom from Flycatcher. "Go hide!" I told Flycatcher. He ran back upstairs. I heard a door close. I stomped on the head of the broom, breaking it off the stick. I used the broomstick to parry and fight back against Bluebeard. I whacked him in the mouth and knocked him off his feet. "Oh shit." I said. I threw the broomstick at him before he got up. I ran upstairs and went for the door, but i heard Flycatcher whisper. He was behind a desk. I snuck around and got behind it. Bluebeard came up and ran out the door. We waited a few minutes. "Holy crap, is he gone?" Flycatcher asked.
"Yeah. You okay?" I asked Flycatcher.
"I'm alright. Goddamnit it hurts." He said.
"I gotta find another exit. And i gotta call Snow White." I told Flycatcher. We went back downstairs and I called Snow. "Business Office Snow White speaking." I heard.
"Snow, it's Y/n. Listen, Bluebeard's coming that way and I need you to vouch for me." I said.
"Slow down, Y/n, what happened?" She asked me.
"Bluebeard and I fought and he's pissed. I'm gonna head to The Trip Trap. Has Bigby got anything yet?"
"I was about to head to Crane's to find out." Snow said. "We got your back, Y/n. Don't worry."
"Thanks, Snow." I told her. I hung up and looked at Flycatcher. "Be safe. Where's the other exit?"
"Other side of the building." Flycatcher told me. I nodded and went that way.

To The Trip Trap.

The Wolf Among Us w/Male Reader InsertKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat