Episode 2: Interrogating Dee

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After Bigby was detained by the police Mundies, I went to find TweedleDee. I got around a corner. He was chained up on a street lamp. "TweedleDee." I said.
He looked at me. "Ah. You." He said. "Where's The Woodsman? You ran after him."
"You're coming with me." I told Dee, ignoring his question. I uncuffed him from around the pole and recuffed him. He tried to escape, but I caught up to him quickly and kicked him down. "Shut the fuck up!" I told him. "We don't need the Mundies hearing us. Now get up." I told him.

It was morning. I brought Dee to the Business Office Interrogation Room. Then i felt myself get lightheaded for a second. I shook it off. It was probably nothing. Bluebeard then busted opened the door as I strapped Dee down. "Hello, Y/n." Bluebeard said to me. He was also a fable. His story: he killed his wives. He pulled a knife out and started wiping it. "Okay Bluebeard, we don't need that." I told him, trying to reason.
"Interrogation needs some type of violence behind it." Bluebeard said. Bigby and Crane came in as Bluebeard put his knife at Dee's neck. "Bigby! Thank god!" I said. "Are you okay? Did the Mundies do anything?"
"No. I'm fine, pal." Bigby told me. "They won't remember any of this either. The station was put under some memory wipe spell."
"That explains that lightheadedness i felt." I whispered to him. "But good. Cause this has to do with Fabletown." I said.
"Where's Woody?" Bigby asked.
"I...He got away. He didn't seem like a threat though. I think he's fine." I told Bigby.
"Enough of the welcomes!" Bluebeard yelled.
"Stand back Bluebeard. Violence is unneeded." Crane told him. Me and Bigby went in front of Dee. "We want answers, Dee." Bigby said.
"Oh goodie! I thought you wanted questions. All I landed on was hows your head?" Dee said.
"Got a sense of humor. Hope that means you'll be cooperative." I said.
"You think this is a joke, Dee? Snow White is dead." Bigby said.
"I didn't kill anyone." Dee said nonchalantly.
"Sorry if we don't believe you, but you are COVERED in somebody's blood." I said as I flicked his shirt. "And even if it wasn't you, Bigby and I have questions." I told him.
"Why were you at Toad's place?" Bigby asked.
"Looking for a change of scenery. Thinking of moving in. Wanted to take a look around first." Dee told us sounding like a smart ass. Bigby pulled out a photograph of Snow's head. "Oh god..." I said as I looked at it. "The same as Faith's..." I whispered.
Bigby showed it to Dee. "This could be you. Tell us what we want." Bigby said.
"Look, Sheriffs. We're not on opposite sides. My brother and I are trying to get to the bottom of things. Same as you." Dee said.
"Your brother...let's talk about him. Where was Dum last night?" I asked.
"I don't know. Could've been anywhere." Dee said. "I answered your question. Can I get my stuff back?"
Crane dumped his stuff. Bottle of whiskey, cigar, and a roll of cash. Bigby grabbed the roll of money. He pocketed it. "Declaring a tax on uncooperative troublemakers."
"Listen, me and Dum split after we were looking for Faith's-" He stopped. "I haven't seen him."
"Looking for Faith's what?" I asked.
"I was at her apartment. Bigby saw me." Dee told us.
"You said you were looking for something." Bluebeard told him. Dee gulped. "I'm not saying anything about it."
"Tell us what you wanted from that sweet girl." Bigby said.
"Sweet? She was a fucking thief. She was plenty of things but 'sweet' ain't one of them." Dee told us.
"Well according to Lawrence, she would always give him money and was always worried about him after they split up. Sounds sweet to me." I told him. "So did she steal something from you?"
"No. She stole some dumb thing from my boss." Dee said.
"So, let's talk about your boss then." Bigby said aggressively.
"I can't answer any more of your questions." Dee repeated. Bigby balled his fists and cracked his knuckles. "Easy, Bigby." I said to him. I grabbed Dee's cigar. I gave it to Bigby and he lit it. Then he gave it to me. "What do you want me to do?" I asked.
"You decide." Bigby said.
"I was saving that. So why don't you give it to me?" Dee asked.
I turned it and put it in front Dee's mouth. Before he could smoke it, I stuck it into the wall and stubbed it out. "Speak." I told him.
"You son of a bitch." He yelled. "Listen, Beauty says you're not a bad guy and I believe her, but i can't tell you any more." Dee told us.
"I doubt Beauty would associate herself with you." I commented.
"What's wrong with me? Am I not pretty enough?" Dee said. "Look at you. Comparing you and Beast, if she wanted get with someone uglier than him, it'd be you." Bigby had enough and then grabbed his whiskey. Bigby poured it out on Dee's face. Then he smashed the glass against the arm rest of the chair next to Dee's hand. Then Bluebeard intervened. "This is a murder investigation, and you two have been treating him like a fucking house guest!" He shouted. "Up until that. But let me show you how to do it." He punched Dee in the face. Bigby pulled Bluebeard away. Blue tried punching Bigby but missed. I punched Bluebeard once and Bigby took over and pinned him against the wall. The door opened. Me and Crane looked over. "Snow?!" I exclaimed. "Bigby, STOP!" I said. Bigby and Bluebeard looked over. "Snow?" Bigby questioned.

Snow's alive! But...how?

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