Episode 1: Taxi Ride

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The three of us were in a cab. I was in the middle. Snow on my left. Bigby on my right. "Every time I think I'm getting a handle on what's going on... things get more complicated. It feels like we're always a step behind." Snow said.
"Only lead we got is The Woodman. Getting some answers out of him will start to clear things up." Bigby said.
"I hope we're right." I said.
"Bigby, Y/n..." Snow said. "Be honest with me. Who do you think... did this?"
"It might be The Woodsman." Bigby said.
"I think it could be him or... Dee." I said. "If Toad's telling the truth, then it could he him." I said.
"Thanks for your--"
"I wish there was--" Bigby and Snow interrupted each other. "Sorry." Snow said.
"Go ahead. I didn't mean to cut you off." Bigby said.
"Am i getting something from this interaction?" I asked. "Do I have to swap seats with one of you?"
"No, I'm fine here." Bigby said.
"I think we gotta get you two closer." I said. "Snow, slide over at the count of three."
"Y/n, no!" Bigby said.
"Stop, Y/n!" Snow pleaded. They were both embarrassingly trying to keep me in my seat. Until...

Bigby tied my hands to the head rest with his tie. "This didn't need to happen, ya know." I told them.
"You should've stopped." Bigby said. "Look. Snow. You're doing your best." He told her. She smiled. The taxi stopped by The Trip Trap and Bigby took his tie off my wrists and retied it around his collar. "I'm gonna stay here." Snow said.
"Bigby, should I stay too?" I asked.
"No. I know what happened last time, but this is a bar. He isn't gonna try to kill me again. Just in case he resists, I'll need you." Bigby told me.
"Okay." I said.
"Be careful." Snow told us.
"Same goes for you." Bigby said. The taxi drove off. We walked down the stairs and into the bar.

Figured this would work as a chapter alone

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