Class 09J06 - DelSegugio, Argento [House DelSegugio]

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"The history of House DelSegugio is written in blood and gold."

-The motto of House DelSegugio

House DelSegugio

The sun glared down upon the courtyard full of bodies unaware of the contempt infused within the glowing warmth they enjoyed. The sun was a force that could destroy anything, and yet with that power to reduce anything to nothing it provided the most basic resource that everything under it needed. Light. Even I and my kind were dependent on its infinite assault on the Earth.

"Hot today," Donovan said, his face hidden in the shadow of his coat.

"Summer hasn't fully broken yet," I said in response. While Donovan wasn't threatened by the sun as I was, he still preferred the dark and chilled. Likely that was why we became friends so easily. It certainly wasn't for a sharing of common interests. The only thing we shared was a sense of patience, which greatly aided in our friendship.

A whistle cut through the air. Its ringing whine echoing in my ears as Coach Sarge called out, "Donovan, Argento, tag in."

"What?" Donovan said to himself. We were sitting under a sun awning sheltered from the summer sun. Donovan tilted his face toward me, "Is he serious?"

I remained silent as the mundane girl Melissa yelled, "Come on Coach. We don't need them. Besides, they can't be in the sun."

"Wrong Ms Odinson." Coach shot back, "They have excuses saying that they don't have to participate. Not that they can't."

"But Argen is literally a vampire. Won't he die in the sun?" Samantha called out.

"Not according to his file." Coach answered, "Mr DelSegugio has a resistance to sunlight, and Mr McFuil has no excuse at all. Now come on, your team is getting creamed. Only one worth a damn is Mr Star."

"Hey. I'm doing good on defense." Semy Largge said as he showed how his bulk was capable of guarding the goal.

"Come on." I said rising from the bench and started out to the field. Donovan followed soon after. As soon as the sun touched the ghostly tone of my face it made itself clear that it didn't want me to be. Yet it couldn't unmake me like it could to many of my kin. That took more that a casual stroll.

"Alright, Melissa, Jennifer, take the bench." Coach ordered, "Jericho, Samuel, you tag in for Amanda and Abraham."

All the bodies called moved to their new position. The game was between my Team J-Two and Team J-Three. We were playing the recently invented sport called basketball. Well, it was decades old, but anything trending under a hundred years wasn't worthy of the adjective. It was a simple sport too. All the good sports were. A ball and two goals with teams of five. The ball had to be bounced, or dribbled, and every goal was two points. There were more rules, but the basics were all you needed to play. Coach stood in the center with the ball in hand. I took the center position against Alice.

"Are you really going to play in a full business suit?" she asked noting my attire. A full three-piece suit and tie.

"Of course. House DelSegugio always dresses for business." I answered her hoping she would set me up.

"Why?" She asked, setting me up with perfect timing

"Because," I started just before Sarge blew the whistle and threw the ball straight in the air, "We always mean business."

Jumping up the whole way I grabbed the ball at its apex and tossed it to the goal across the field. It bounced and circled the goal before falling in. I landed holding my smile inside my mouth. Alice's head was turned to the goal her mouth agape and I finished my barb adding, "So we always dress for business."

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