Class 09J03 - Black, Jessica [Girls Night]

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"One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying."

-Saint Joan of Arc, Patron Saint of Soldiers and Captives

Girls Night

It's amazing how unfair the world is. Some people are capable of flying around without a care or running at supersonic speeds while others couldn't even walk. Some people can lift freight trains over their heads and others have to struggle just to push their own body off the ground. Some people are able to fill their day with purpose and excitement, and others, like me, have to spend their days being lectured about the most boring topics known to man.

"So in total, there are eight mundane blood type combinations out of the three antigen types." Ms Turner finished the most basic layout of the subject. She called on someone who must have had their hand up, "Question, yes."

"Yeah, my blood is registered as M O B negative, and I've also seen a lot of other letters in blood types." It was the large boy who sat on the next row two seats behind me.

"Yes Mr Largge," Ms Turner answered, "As I said there are eight mundane types, but there are many more odd types. The M stands for Mutant, and the O is not an oh. It's a zero. It is an unfortunate effect of our mutant demitype that our blood is more complex. These complications are listed out as numbers. Mine for example is M8AB negative. The highest mutant type so far. Does anyone want to guess how blood transfusions work among these types?"

The class was silent as they thought. Guess they didn't know. They probably were thinking that the numbers could give to the numbers either higher or lower, and it was the boy in the front corner who gave that very guess. "Would it make either you or Semy the universal donor for mutants?"

"A very intelligent guess Mr Star, but completely wrong." Ms Turner praised him before calling on another student, "Mr York, would you like to take a guess?"

"It wouldn't be a guess ma'am. I am very much aware of the relationship between the mutant blood types as I am lucky enough to have the M2 type paired with my AB positive." I didn't recognize the voice, but it sounded like he knew everything and enjoyed it, "This makes me the universal recipient among mutants, a hint to everyone else. Also to my fortune, Semy's type zero is the universal donor."

This didn't help them at all. The class was confused., and everyone seemed to be stumped. Even Mary, who herself was a mutant, didn't know. Ms Turner allowed the class to wonder a bit more before deciding to call on one more student, "You there, desk number three. I don't see any notes on your desk. Can I assume you already know the answer?"

"Yes, ma'am." I said as flatly as I could, "I do know the answer."

Ms Turner didn't say anything. She stood there until prompting, "Can you provide your answer to the class? If so, then please do."

I sighed, "First, the numbers are listed in the order they were discovered. With only the first three being listed in order of valid transfusions. The rest are seemingly random. Like how type eight can take from type five and freely swap between type six, but neither can be given to type five. There's no known explanation for this."

"Well then. I'm impressed," Ms Turner checked the roster, "Jessica Black. Studying medicine, are we?"

"I'm not. No clue about you." I kept my eyes locked on the wall as the class fell silent.

"Alright then. Let's move on." Ms Turner broke the silence and continued the class. More boring stuff doled out as if it wasn't common knowledge. Then again, it wasn't that common for these people. People not like me. Unfortunately, I was stuck here until two.

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