Class 09J04 - Blanc, Jessica [Aftermath]

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"Great and glorious God, and Thou Lord Jesus, I pray you shed abroad your light in the darkness of my mind. Be found of me, Lord, so that in all things I may act only in accordance with Thy holy will."

-Saint Francis of Assisi


I woke to the feeling of lips on my mouth. This shocked me more than it should have. I shot up and cried for help. My screams were answered by reassurance.

"Hey hey hey. Calm down girlie. Just trying to save your life." A man said holding his hands up. He seemed to be a part of the common ilk with baggy clothes and informal speech. I didn't know why he thought to assault me. It was then I remembered.

"Jessica! Where's Jessica?" I looked and quickly spotted her surrounded by other people. Their dress marked them as an organized force. Possibly a gang. They were offering water and snack bars and another dropped from a ledge with towels. Everyone was moving or talking. Everyone except Jessica. She just sat on a box. Her head drooping causing her hair to hide her face. I tried to stand and was quickly aided by my savior and another figure I didn't noticed before.

"Easy girlie, easy." The second instructed as we all strode over. They supported my steps and eased my drop in front of Jessica.

"We can't get her to say anything." A woman who seemed to have been in charge said, "She breathing and was able to walk a moment ago, but now she's just all loopy."

"Did you call the DDH?" I asked.

"What? No. I called the Medic Line, but I did say you two might be demihumans." The woman said. "But I think they might just guess when they see that."

She looked behind them and I followed her gaze shocked by what I saw. An iceberg wide enough to span the river. It had lodged itself in both river banks and blocked the water from flowing through causing the river to rise. Fortunately, the iceberg was not very tall and allowed water to flow over in many spots. I was shocked, "Who did that?"

"I figured it was one of you two, and I'm guessing it was her." The woman gestured to Jessica who still had not returned to her senses. She stared at the ground, mouth agape.

"Jessica. Are you okay?" I went to her. The sound of first responders sounded in the distance.

"Jessica?" I patted her cheek softly. Nothing. "Jessica, please wake up."

She just sat there. As if her mind was just empty.

"Holy fuck! You're alive!" Melissa's voice came from the road. Looking up I saw her sliding down the river bank. "We thought you were going to die."

She jumped through the line of people and onto Jessica wrapping her in a hug.

"Ah! Get off of me!" Jessica said, returned to her senses.

"We were so worried about you," Jennifer said following behind Melissa.

"Well, you shouldn't have. We're fine." Jessica said as lights flashed over them.

"Progress City Police. Is anyone hurt?" A police officer said.

"Don't know. Girl here was zoned out but she's good now." The woman who seemed to be the leader said.

"Are they demihumans?"

"We are," Jennifer admitted raising her hand.

"Jenny!" Melissa scolded.

We were pulled up to the road and everyone gave a statement. The rescuers were apart of a mundane gang that saw the iceberg form and then noticed the girls on it. They quickly acted to help. One of them was washed away and rescued by someone else. The rest manage to get Jessica and me back to shore. One of the gangsters was a navy medic and started CPR on me. Jessica was non responsive until Melissa showed up.

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