Class 09J02 - Bittir, Mary [First Day of school]

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"It is to note that a great deal of issue is caused by the very classification that is suppose to ensure the rights of mutants. Whenever we awaken our power we lose the legal camaraderie of the mundane community to which we are born to. Overnight we go from native to foreign with no map of how to get home."

-Signatories Without Signatures: A State Without A Nation, 1989

First Day of School

My name is Mary Bittir, like the flavor, and I was born a mutant. I didn't know I was a mutant until I was eight. I always had the ability to remember things better than other kids and even help them remember things. None of us thought this was strange. It wasn't until one day in art class when we were told to draw a picture of a wedding. My teacher told me the story of her own wedding when I said I had trouble imagining a real one, and I saw it in my mind. The way I always saw stuff in my mind. I turned it in and the day after I was called into the counselor's office. My teacher, the school counselor, and two men in suits were there. The men were from the Department of Demi-Humans. Apparently, I drew my teacher's wedding in a detail that should have been impossible unless I was there. A week of testing later it was confirmed. I was a mutant.

Now here I am on my first day of high school at West Progress High. I survived evaluation day. Though I didn't excel in any field. Which was perfectly fine by me. I walked up to the school door ready to make this the best day possible. That's when a voice spoke up.

"Nervous?" said the voice. It was deep and seemed to know the answer to its question. Turning I saw a well-built and rather tall man carrying a crate that was as big as him on one shoulder.

"No. What makes you think that?" was all I could say back.

"Because the school doesn't even open for another hour." He said going by, "The nervous ones either show up late or way too early."

"Oh." I checked the door and it was in fact locked. I turned and looked around the schoolyard. It was empty, and I had noticed that, but I had simply thought I was the first one here. Which I was. Which is what I wanted. I had planned on making a good impression on the teachers, but now it seemed I was just making a fool of myself the very first chance I had. Maybe he won't remember me.

"Don't worry too much about it. More of you will show. Happens every year." the man shouted as he walked on waving, "And don't worry about me. I'm just Old Bob the Janitor."

So here I was. Standing in front of the front door of the High School I was going to attend for the next four years. I looked up at it and began to think about my last school, and all the people I knew. I was deep in thought over my decision to come when another voice snuck up on me.

"Hello." Said a blonde-headed girl. She was likely another student as she was wearing the school's uniform. She continued, "I'm Alice Hansen. I'm new here. This school I mean. But also this country. I'm from Denmark. Which I realize means I'm new to everything here."

She laughed showing her nervousness, "I'm sorry. You are? Did I say my name was Alice Hansen"

"Oh! Umm... yes you did, and I'm Mary. Mary Bittir. I'm also new." I introduced myself, "To this school, and also the city. But not the country."

"That makes sense. Most people here likely live here. I mean I live here too. Well, now I do. Live here. I didn't before though." She coughed and cleared her throat, "Sorry. We should head on inside."

"It's locked," I said as she reached for the handle and pulled it down. It made the clanking sound of a door not allowed to be opened.

"Oh." Was all Alice said as she smiled nervously. That was when I noticed it. A long object on her back tied under her backpack.

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