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Amelia didn't bother giving Peter a call. She just showed up at his pub. She knew if she called him, he might find a way to get her off his back, but today was going to be different.

She was going to find out everything that was wrong with him. The peter she knew wouldn't just distance himself from everybody if the reason wasn't vital.

"Amelia?" Peter called out as he looked at her in disbelief.

She was also stunned to see him with trimmed hair. All his full, healthy hair was gone.

" What are you doing here Amelia?" he asked.

"You cut your hair?"

He sighed, setting down the glass he was cleaning. It was obvious he didn't want her here.

Peter regretted coming to the pub that day. He should have listened to his instincts and just stayed home. Now he had to answer the numerous questions she had. He knew Amelia was surely going to ask a lot of questions.

"I thought it'd look better"

"You look pale"

"I've been skipping meat in my meal" he replied plainly and Amelia gave him a 'are you serious' look.

"Don't play that game with me"

Peter walked away from the counter and went inside. Amelia followed him.

"I am not in the mood for your questions"

"my questions?. Do you realize you ghosted the whole world"

"by whole world You mean you and Wendy"

Amelia sighed, placing her bag on his desk and she watched him take a seat."Come on, Peter, tell me. What's up?"

"There's nothing wrong. I'm fine"

"Why weren't you picking up my calls and replying to my text"

"Jeez," he groaned in frustration. "Don't you have a husband to worry about?"

"Is this what this is about?"

"I don't see any reason you should keep getting into my business"

"I am trying to fucking look out for you"

"Oh, there you go again, trying to make things go in your way. You always like to be in charge. It's my fucking life and I don't want you in it!" he roared at her.

Amelia didn't expect such outbursts. She only wanted to help. She didn't expect Peter to snap at her.

"Peter I...."

He didn't let her finish. "Amelia leave"

While he said those words, he didn't look at her. It was almost as if he was trying to avoid eye contact. Something was most definitely wrong. Amelia was quick to point out.

Peter sighed in frustration as he stood up from where he sat and walked away. He wanted her to get away from his sight. Why did he despise her all of a sudden when she was certain she did nothing wrong?

Amelia sighed, leaning on his desk. She scanned the room for a while and when she was done and about to leave, her eyes landed on a paper on his desk.
She didn't want to be nosey.

Due to how angry Peter was, if he found her going through his stuff, he would get angrier. Amelia found herself turning the paper to face her.
When she read the content, her eyes flew open!

She couldn't believe that her best friend had cancer and was trying to deal with it alone. She instantly felt angry and marched out of his office.
He was back at the pub, cleaning the cups with an evident glare on his face.

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