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Xavier looked at himself in the mirror as he buttoned his shirt. He had depreciated a lot during these last few days. His eyes looked dull and his skin looked pale. After exhaling deeply, he grabbed his briefcase and his phone from the table. He was about to leave, but there was a beep on his phone and he stopped to check.

Lucas forwarded a video to him and it was Amelia's video. He hesitated for a while, but he eventually opened the video and watched it

After watching it, he didn't know how to feel anymore. He was confused. He had thought he was doing better during the last few days, but after watching that video he realized his feelings for her were still as fresh as they had always been.

What was he thinking when he let her go? She would never forgive him for what he did. He missed her. He missed her so badly. The thought of him living without her was a mistake. He shouldn't have thought that way in the first place.

No, it had to end now. He was going to get her back even if he died trying. He wasn't going to rectify his mistake. He grabbed his phone once again but dropped it back. Calling her wasn't going to be enough. He had to see her and beg until she accepted.

He flung his suitcase away and grabbed both his phone and his car keys. He rushed out of his house and entered his car.

The first place he was going to go was Peter's pub. He was going to know where she went, even though Peter might not want to tell Xavier.

Xavier had never driven so crazy before. He forgot about his phobia. All he was thinking about was Amelia. He had fired Cosmos, so he had to drive by himself and he was doing just perfectly fine.

Finding Peter's pub was quite tasky, but after some time, he was able to. Amelia had mentioned it earlier, so he knew the name, but not the location.

"The last person I expected to see here is you," Peter said, cleaning a glass cup with a tissue.

"I need your help," he said and Peter walked out of the counter. The pub didn't have a lot of people because it was still quite early. He sat on a nearby seat and Xavier sat opposite him.

"I was expecting a punch from you. It's not hard for you to do that anyway"

"Where is Amelia?" Xavier inquired, ignoring the previous statement.

"Why would I tell you that?"

"I need to find her"

"You sent her away, didn't you? "

"It was a mistake"

Peter scoffed. "Do you realize how much she loved you? You broke her heart by telling her to leave because of a mere scandal"

Xavier gritted his teeth. His blood boiled. It felt like the more he wasted time here, the more the urge to see Amelia increased.

"Are you going to tell me where my wife is or not? " Xavier asked impatiently.

"I'm not supposed to tell you because she doesn't want to see her, but I'll tell you anyway"

"Well" "Xavier was already up on his feet, waiting for Peter to say where she was and he would leave immediately.

"She's at Wendy's house. Marple Street. House 13"

"Have a nice day" Xavier said and immediately left. He drove until he got to Marple street. While he drove, his heart occasionally skipped a few beats and he didn't know why he was so nervous.

Exhaling sharply, he stepped out of his car. He looked at the building in front of him and he still felt nervous. He didn't know what he would say to her. Maybe he should have prepared. He left his house without thinking properly about what he would say to her. One thing was certain, words alone couldn't fix what he had done.

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