Chapter 4

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Amelia looked down at her worn-out jean trousers as his peering eyes were boring holes into her. She never really ceased to amaze herself. A couple of days back, she had been screaming negatively regarding the whole deal, but here she was, waiting patiently for her supposed interview.

She hadn't told anyone about it. Scrap that, she didn't have anybody to tell about her new move.  Apart from Wendy, her best friend who didn't know anything about it.

No family member to take advice from and no one to give her a motherly view concerning the idea, judging from the fact her mother died in an accident that occurred 10 years ago.  Amelia acted okay, but deep down, she still felt the sting that the wounds in her heart brought.

The memory was still fresh in her head because she was in the car when the accident happened.  A thought she hadn't been able to get rid of for 10 years now

"Miss Wilson" she heard. That snapped her back into the real world. Her eyes met with the gentleman in front of her. It was then she remembered that she was supposed to be answering some questions rather than sitting down, lost in thought.

She took a look at him. It was supposed to be just a glance, but it went from just a glance to a long stare. For some reason, she couldn't take her eyes off him.

His model-like physique was too astonishing, ranging from his perfect jawline down to his symmetrical face and his strong, veiny hand that was filled with a glass of wine. His brunette hair was groomed and trimmed into taper fade that highlighted his facial details. In other words, he was the reason the word 'perfection' was created. She had just spent 5 minutes and his looks already intimidated her. She feared what would happen in a year.

"When is the interview beginning?" she asked after accessing him from top to bottom.

"There would be no interview, miss Wilson. Get ready, we are getting married 2 weeks from now" he blurted out.

Her mouth dropped in bewilderment.

She was taken aback by his statement.

They had barely even talked about anything, but he was already keen to get married to her. Not that he looked excited though, as a matter of fact, his face held no emotions. He kept staring intently at her, making her uncomfortable. It was almost as if his gaze pinned her down.

Staring back into his mesmerizing green eyes, she felt lost in beauty's paradise. She came back to her senses as she immediately mentally facepalmed herself for being so carried away.

"So fast?" she asked with confusion written all over her face.

"Yes, as soon as possible. When you sign the contract of course"

Amelia hesitated for a while. "What if I don't sign the contract?"

"You could leave" he shrugged, resting his hand on the handle of an expensive-looking couch. It was different from the other couches, standing at the far end of the sitting room.

Everything in that sitting room looked different and exorbitant. She remembered how her mouth dropped the moment she was dropped off by his driver, who showed up at her house after she gave Lucas a full detail of where she lived.

The house was on another level. The first things she noticed as she stepped through the door were the antiques and huge paintings that hung on the wall. The sitting room was massive. One look around and she already felt dizzy. A gigantic chandelier hung in the ceiling, radiating its beauty to the already flawless house. She also didn't fail to notice the large bifurcated stairs that led to God knows where.

In conclusion, this had to be the biggest and most luxurious house she had ever been to.

One look at his house and another look at him. He lived a luxurious life, and he was the true definition of perfection. It caused her to wonder why he would want her for a wife when he could get any pretty, well-to-do lady. They would be more than glad to jump on the offer, but he wanted her for reasons best known to him. It made her wonder inwardly if he was sane.

"Why do you need a wife?" she shot the question at him

"Why do people get married?" he shot back

"Lucas clearly stated that there would be no sexual intimacy"

"We can add that to the contract if you like," he added with a smirk.

Her eyes widened as astonishment took over.

"What?" was the only word that could make it out of her lips as she gazed at him with disbelief.

"Don't worry your little head about it, princess" he swayed his head to the other side, examining her. "You are not my type" he reassured her, and she calmed down a bit, but when the words finally settled in, she glared at him.

" You are not my type either" she shrugged, but he seemed unaffected by the words. She lied though. If he wasn't her type, who could be? She had never seen a man so drop-dead gorgeous in her life. He was every single lady's dream guy. She couldn't tell him that though, not after he called her out like that.

'Who the hell does he think he is anyway'. She voiced out inwardly.

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