124 | experiments; a confirmed suspect

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Two professors, both with graying strands of hair caused by stress and not age, stared blankly at the scattered pieces of papers spread across them in the small apartment building.

It was an attached building to the school where most professors stayed. Others were given the freedom of movement, but the two had been closely monitored over the years.

The room was kept neat with polished wooden furniture and small plants decorating the windowsill, a crack of air allowed to circulate inside.

The evening had ushered the Academy to silence, a dull lamp glowing on the center of the wooden dining table, just enough to fit two.

"These reports..."

The reports from the Academy research group had come to a conclusion after investigating the components of the deceased blood and the distortion of their bodies.

There had been a stagnation in the research with two of the key investigators both on a mysterious vacation.

However, the deceased had been investigated more thoroughly. There were no abnormalities in their lives, displaying no signs of an outburst.

When investigating the victimology, there could no relations drawn between them. Many were students of the Academy who had graduated or were yet to enroll. The thought was frightening.

The murderer had an extensive list and resources to determine who would be entering the Academy in the following year.

However, there were several related points.

A few of the victims had told a friend or family that they had received a job opportunity or were heading out on a date. Their disappearance happened shortly after.

This hinted that the murders were intentional and not a coincidence, as some speculated. Then, the research reached a breakthrough.

On one of the deceased, there was a barely discernible pinpoint, as if a needle had been inserted.

Either their blood had been drawn, or something had been injected. The investigators rushed to examine the other bodies, studying them in more detail.

Some bodies were too mutilated and distorted with the effects of the Reversal, but several more needle points had been found.

"It's something unrealistic, highly improbable," rambled Raymond, pushing up his glasses high as horror glinted off his pupils. "It's... it's as if the murderer was experimenting on the bodies, drawing blood, and injecting an unknown substance. They were purposely forcing Reversals to occur—for what? Examination?"

Alexander's eyebrows furrowed. "If we draw similarities to the tragedy from years ago..."

Raymond's hand curled around a handful of papers as they crinkled, his knuckles turning painfully white. In the low flickering of the candle, his face looked particularly haunted.

The wind whistled outside like the drawn-out whispers of a faraway scream.

Raymond trembled and Alexander looked at him quietly.

Decades ago, when they had been students in preparation to graduate, Raymond, Alexander, and their deceased friend Lucas had been a close-knit trio.

The three were slightly older than the regular age of those who attended and bonded over that similarity.

The weather had been in a constant stream of gloominess, matching the fear and tension weaving into the Academy halls.

A spike of Reversals had befallen them, a series of students found dead after the other. Alexander, with his scrutinizing and doubtful gaze, had noticed the changes in Lucas.

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