59 | jeweled; a hinderance or a salvation

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Tw: darker, borderline suicidal (ish) thoughts are briefly mentioned. In nature of Kaden's failing mental state, such thoughts will likely occur in the future. 

Would you all prefer a warning at the beginning, or are you all reading with an understanding of such topics breaching at random times? Genuinely lol, I can add more warnings in the beginning for these specific topics (I mentioned some warnings way earlier about general things that would be mentioned throughout the entire novel)

I can work with whatever! If there's even one person who would prefer a warning, let me know and I'll keep it in mind. ^^


Presently, Niklas remained passed out on the neatly folded bed. The fabrics seemed to be woven of silk and clouds and he sunk into them. Smooth and velvety to the touch, but with a plume that one could only imagine clouds had.

Or so he muttered as he slept, complaining about the ache in his joints.

Kaden felt some concern for his friend's future—if he could hardly tolerate a hike at present, how would his body deteriorate in the future?

The journey to the Land of the Fae had been by carriage, until the students had promptly stopped and were informed that the remainder of the distance would have to be covered by their own two feet.

Kaden's stamina wasn't half-bad, and there was something about walking, focused on the pure delights of the cold wind, and the shade that the leaves provided, that brought him some comfort.

Niklas, however, had turned pale as a sheet of paper. He trudged himself most of the way, silent except for his heavy breathing that he felt no shame in.

Professor Alexander had even stopped by, concern crossed between his furrowed eyebrows. "Although I do not judge students based on their fitness capabilities, nor would I insist in strengthening your body if you'd prefer to improve your mind, I have some concerns about any future expeditions."

"I—" wheezed Niklas, grinning as he brushed his light hair back. "May not have stamina, cough, or the ability to walk long distances, wheeze, I have faith in myself!"

Kaden was dumbfounded, clapping slowly. "You're so charming."

"I— oh god, know."

A passing student glanced back, and slowed in her steps. She held out a bottle of water to Niklas shyly. "It's... enhanced. I've been experimenting minimally with my blessing—the water should be refreshing."

"Why, I can— cough, hardly say no then, can I?" He took a swift gulp of the water, and some liveliness returned to his face. A smile brightened his expression, a rosiness to his cheeks. "Delicious! You're a blessing, Selena."

Selena—who Kaden vaguely recalled as one of his classmates—flushed.

"....." Kaden watched the scene numbly.

He watched Niklas' pathetic state of huffing and wheezing, and the worse part was that it was evidently not an act as he often liked to do. The sweaty and slightly reddened cheeks, brown hair brushed back as his rich blue eyes gleamed...

Kaden glanced back at a cluster of girls whispering, and seemed to suddenly realize something. "Really, you're incredible, Niklas."

Niklas squinted at him. "Although I love compliments, and would like to insist that you praise me more, why does it feel more like an insult?"

"I do think you should work on your stamina a little. It's a dangerous world."

"I'd like to hope I won't face any danger in my intended life living inside, preferably on a seat or a bed, doing mental labour and not physical."

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