94 | retribution; falling fallacies

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In a distant room separated from the dormitories, a man sat behind a locked door, head hanging low and pink hair limpidly hung over his gaze. An air of despair and gloom prickled along the man's skin, casting a darkness to the dim room.

The investigation for the recent murders underwent, and the prime suspect remained silent, neither confessing nor refusing.

The Professors were waiting for a talented graduate that specialized in lies—their ability allowed them to determine somebody's truth and lies, with the punishment of being unable to confess the truth themselves.

The Academy was under an uproar, old rumours resurfacing and every piece of existence connected to the man named Kaden Chauvet rewritten into something cruel and sinister.

It took one wrong to overwrite all rights.

They judged the sinner that they didn't know. Scorn, disdain, accusations. In their heads, the murderer had already been confirmed.

It had been a week since the dance, and most students were preparing to return home for the break before the next year begun. However, the atmosphere in the Academy wasn't cheerful, as it would be when one was allowed to leave for vacation.

The door creaked open, heeled boots clattering into the room. Kaden didn't life his head, recognizing the familiar firm and unforgiving steps.

"I've come to inform you of your punishmen for the murder of several nobles. Now, as my loyal subject, I'll give you two options."

Kaden ground his feet into the floorboards, sneering. "A choice?"

"A choice." affirmed Reed quietly, neither aggressive or gentle. He took two strides, standing before the other. "As you know, the professors have determined to wait to properly judge you. I can hasten that judgment."

"And what would that do?"

"The outcome will be the same regardless."

"Of course, my life is to your bidding."

Reed ignored the biting anger embedded into the man's hoarse voice. "I'm giving you a choice to get it over with now, or later."

Kaden remained quiet, staring at the fine grains along the floor. Insignificant strokes drawn within the wood, yet bearing the weight of the living. "How soon is now?"


Kaden swallowed again, hesitating. Reed turned sideways, drawing the curtains as the other narrowed his gaze at the sudden brightness. He begun talking, and Kaden's quiet eyes grew round with surprise.

The green settled into steady determination, and he gritted his teeth.

"It's time for you to return to your proper role, Kaden." said Reed finally after informing his younger brother what his future would look like. "It's your choice what you carry with you. But I'm giving you an option to protect them."

"And why do you care?" snarled the sinner, hands curling into the mattress.

"I don't." replied Reed coldly. "I'm bored, and I wonder what choice you'll make. The future is predetermined—but do you trust in yourself to protect them? Do you trust them to remain alive?"


"Make your decision, Kaden. Now."

Kaden shrunk back, feeling every bit of that scared child he once was. It was like he was in that room again, closed walls, and all he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and pray for the next day to come sooner.

Because the more time passed, the closer he approached death.

"The first choice." Kaden lifted his eyes, revealing no emotion. "I'll accept my punishment today."

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