Part 8: Thanatophobia.

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Of brightness so unsullied, that therein

A melancholy spirit well might win

Oblivion, and melt out his essence fine

Into the winds: rain-scented eglantine

Gave temperate sweets to that well-wooing sun;


-John Keats.


"Do you, now?"

Tae said, as he scoffed at what he heard from the members, his exasperation and disbelief evident in his voice.

"You all... Were heedless of what he's going through, right in front of your eyes. But you... All of you.. chose to be blind of it all... Now when he left looking for tranquil, you guys care... Just... Wow."

Tae said in irate, yet low voice and was about to walk out when Jin stopped him, and pleaded, "Atleast tell us where he is...", Him being very vexed for his Jimin's safety. "Somewhere safe... And out of stress...", Tae replied.

"Atleast ask him to contact us, please..?", Jin said, his eyes already ready to spill tears. Tae smiled a little, he knew Jin always worried about his soulmate, always querying him if Jimin is okay or other. "Ok, hyung.", He said as he walked away to his room.

Jungkook there, stood baffled, his feelings as messy as a tuft, the fact that his Min left somewhere,and won't come back till who knows when, hit him like a high tide, bit his outer self showed none of his vexation.

The others too, were just the same as Jungkook, but a little better, thinking it'd be best for Jimin, clearing his mind up and came back feeling a bit better. They all went to do their own thing, bit with heavier and messier heart, but no one dared to complain, except Jungkook, who drowned in guilt and fear.

Yes, fear. A fear which he cannot explain. A fear he'd never felt before.  Fear of losing someone. Thanatophobia, is exactly what Jungkook is experiencing right now.

He desperately searched for his phone, with panic, sweating and shaky hands took the best of him. He dialer his Min's number and waited for the line to be answered. Of course not. Jimin's phone was on silent.

He let his tears fall, as he dropped to his knees, crying silently as he felt his whole world crashing behind him, a mess, he is which ought to be mended only by Jimin.

He again took his phone, and spammed jimin's number with messages.

"Min... Jimin... Please... I'm sorry... I was just... Out of mind and being stupid."

"Hyung.... Give me a chance to make it right... Please..."

"Min... Please... Come back... Or atleast tell me where you are..."

"Please min... Lemme know if you're okay... Just that.... Please..."

"Please Min... Your maknae is hurt... Crying and distressed... Caress my nape like you usually do.... Please..."

"Min... I'm dying in here... Please..."


Jimin sighed, letting himself fall back on his parents' sofa; both of them pestered him with questions of being worried. Afterall, their son just barged in, without telling them, looking pale, having dried tears on his face, utterly exhausted.

Jimin just assured them he's okay, like he does with everyone else, amd is now contemplating his life descisions on the sofa, shooting his phone out fom his pocket, only to find his phone being spammed with messages and calls.

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