Part 5: Meticulous

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And moonlight; aye, to all the mazy world

Of silvery enchantment!—who, upfurl'd

Beneath thy drowsy wing a triple hour,

But renovates and lives?—Thus, in the bower,

Endymion was calm'd to life again.


-John keats


"Are you sure you've been to this bar before?"

Questioned Jungkook, eyeing the really unfamiliar environment. The bar looks super expensive, the lighting is purple and elegant, the chair, one being costlier as hell, the table, made of glass, decorated with beautiful flower vases different flower in different tables, The music's loud, but soft , While our boy is looking at these with awe.

"Yes. Even the bartender knows me. He's helped me out a few times when I got drunk and was spiral out of control."; Jimin whispered the last sentence, giggling, while Jungkook  reciprocated the smile too, but his eyes never left the older's crescent ones. 

He's been feeling a bit more... Connected with the older, now more than ever. That's what he feels, anyway. Talking to Jimin gave him peace, hanging out with him felt so... Right, and seeing the older smile especially (only) at him and if the smile's because of him makes him proud, like he's done something great.

He literally was staring at his eyes the whole time until Jimin squeaked; "Look! Tiger lily! We're sitting there!", He pointed to the table which has Tiger Lilies placed in a stunningly decorated vase. He held Jungkook's hand and dragged him towards the spot. "You... Sit here so that no one steals our place... I will order our drinks and be right back!"

Jungkook just nodded, watching his hyung go away to the stall, with a beautiful bunny smile. He couldn't help but wonder why his hyung was literally so obsessed with Tiger Lily.

"Vodka~"; Jimin sang, as he placed two bottles of the beverage on the table, with two glasses on, and started the opening ceremony of the bottle, an action which Jimin totally enjoyed. He spoke while opening, "Don't expect Hyung to go easy on you, okay? I take this game too seriously..."; He said making Jungkook scoff and reply, "Let's see who goes easier on whom, Jiminie."

"That's Hyung for you."


"I swear if you call me that one more time I-"

"Jimin-ssi~Jimin-ssi Jimin-ssi Jimin-ssi Jimin-ssi Jimin-ssi Ji-"

"Ok brat, you win, shut up!" He said, laughing, covering his ears. He gave Jimin a bratty smile, which made the older roll his eyes. "We didn't even start drinking and we're already behaving like people who are drunk AND high.";  Jimin sassed, making Jungkook hit his hyung, not even enough for him to feel, in his stomach. 

"That's not how you hit people, kook. you're gonna have to hit me harder for me to even feel.", Jimin sassed, rolling his eyes, while pouring out the drink into two glasses. "I don't wanna hurt you...", Jungkook whispered, without really thinking about what he's saying, just casually, making Jimin pause and stare at him. His soft whisper has been ringing really loud in Jimin's ears, cuz, ironically, Jungkook's been hurting Jimin, really deep, for a long time. Jungkook noticed the change in his hyung's behaviour. "What happened...?", He queried, worriedly. as he stood up and examined his hyung.

"Nothing... Just... Spaced out...", He shrugged it off and pushed the glass towards Jungkook's side. He added, in a more cheerful tone, "So, the rules are simple. The one who can drink more glasses, wins.", He sat down, gesturing the younger to do the same. The younger followed, and challenged, "You're gonna lose, Jiminie~"; and picked up his glasses in a challenging way.

Literally five minutes passed.

"Woah ok I lose! Geez!"; He said, putting his hands up in defiance. "See~ You can't win against meee, everrr!.", Jimin said, gulping the drink he had left in his glass. Well, Yes, He's drunk, with like, ten glasses of vodka, while Jungkook gave up at five. Jungkook was a bit more sober compared to other, naturally, but not totally sane either.

Jungkook suddenly raised the question to Jimin, "Jimin-ssi? Why... are you... like... in love with tiger lilies?". Jimin, who wasn't expecting this question, said, "Woahh... That's the most randomest question in the worldddd..."; He chuckled, and leaned in towards Jungkook, looking at him in the eyes, flirtily, and said, "It's an eaaaasy question. It's because Tiger Lily is my Kook's birth flowerr. Ohhh hey misterrr, But how do you know I like tiiger Liliess? ".

"It's kook here, Jimin hyung...", He said, chuckling, finding the boy cute, while his mind pondered over the fact that his hyung planted tiger lillies, took care of it, and literally adores that flower just because it's his... Birth flower? 

"Ohhh! kook! There you aree! It's time for lessonnnn! Looove lesson!", Hyped Jimin, after hearing the word Kook. Before even Jungkook could give his consent, drunk Jimin started his spot on speech.

"Ugh let's speak about something easy today.

Love is... The meticulous attention that you give to your partner.

'Meticulous', the feeling of care and concern and attention you give to the person.

The care that you feel no you're always concerned in whatever about everything you do related to them, and you pay attention to every detail, even the silliest details, like, 'oh! my love spits the toothpaste foam on themselves', something that you usually won't to those who you don't love.

And you don't ever want to hurt that person, or can tolerate anyone doing so."

Jungkook listened intently to his hyung, pondering his word by word.

'I mean... I do know that Jimin hyung spits foam on himself...', thought him, while his mind wandered to every beautiful thing Jimin has said and done to him.

'I promised to go to the moon with Jungkook'

'..I would take Jungkook with me, to the deserted island so that I feel comfortable.'

'I want to be with Jungkook during holiday. He's maknae, and all... he's cute.'

He remembered every time Jimin brought him snacks with his own money, that he had for food, without himself eating, Just so he would be happy. He can't tolerate anyone barely hitting Jimin. He himself doesn't hit Jimin, while he literally kicks his other hyungs mercilessly.

Jungkook pondered over all these scenes. He can't help but feel something... Some connection between Jimin's words and his incidents with the older.

'Is that what being 'meticulous' mean?', he wondered, but immediately shrugged it off, thinking he's imagining weird things cuz he's drunk.

"Hyung... I think it's time for us to leave...I'm... Tired", He said. Well, he's not really tired, he just wants to be alone for these thoughts are interrupting the quality time he spends with the older.

"Oh my, kook, are you tired? I'm sorry I thought we can walk back, and I told our driver to go home for he needs to be staying late till we finish... It's okay, tough... I'll call the cab right away, wait here.. ", Jimin started rambling, even his drunk self caring about the younger, and was about to walk away, when Jungkook held his hand.

"It's okay... We can walk, Min...", He said, and held his hands tight and dragged Jimin away, just as he was about to protest. So basically, Jimin just found himself, walking on the streets, holding hands with the guy who he loves, and it's unrequited. So, he decided that it'd be better if he just kept quiet through the walk back. Jungkook too, was quiet, his hands caressed the small, delicate hands of the younger, as he walked, everything seems to be in slow motion.

Jungkook looked up at the moon. It's been a baffling and hard few days for Jungkook, trying to figure his feelings out. But now, today, he found himself enchanted by the moon, the crescent moon like eyes of Jimin. Now, holding hands with him, he felt like a clinch, a warm cuddling session, the solace it gives him, after a long time. He himself. The moon, ie Jimin, is making him feel better during his afflictions. 

 Endymion is calm and loved.

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