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I am now done praying Fajr but as I raised my hands to make dua I felt a different kind of pain and Mr Jeon's thought came to my mind but why am I feeling like this it never happened before. I rubbed my chest a bit I closed my eyes and a tear escaped seeing the view.

I saw Mr Jeon crying while holding the sleeve of my abaya and was saying "no no don't leave me alone I will die without you" and then I opened my eyes a little shocked and worried about what I saw then I looked at the ceiling and said.

"I don't know anything, Ya Allah what was that. I am scared and lost Ya Rab please help me you are the most merciful please have mercy on Mr Jeon and grant him Hidayah. Ya Allah why is it paining so much please help me I am not getting good thoughts about this."


"No no don't leave me alone I will die without you no Hezel; Princess please come back don't leave me here alone I will kill myself without you." I was screaming but she left in a path where it was light and nothing else then I was about to go there following her but my legs weren't able to move so I screamed more loudly and opened my eyes.

I looked around and sighed "oh it was a dream ufff." I saw the time it was about 5:30 and outside there was some kind of announcement type thing, I went into the balcony of my room and stood there listening to it I didn't understand what he was announcing or whatever but it sounded really peaceful.

Allah Hu Akbar Allah Hu Akbar.

I heard those words carefully and I thought "these are the same words that my Princess was saying after her prayer." I listened with more concentration and my heart felt happiness and peace. Soon it ended and I was just staring at a random spot in the sky while thinking of the dream I had.

"I should just work for sometime as I am not feeling sleepy or else my mind would blast." I started working. After sometime I started getting ready for work, today I don't have much work and I am feeling really uneasy also so I was doing everything really slowly.


I went into my cabin and Nia was already present there she came and hugged me and said "Assalam u alikum babe how are you." "Walikum Assalam, Masha Allah you have learnt well hmm." I replied and appreciated her.

"Of course this is all because I have a teacher like you Mrs most beautiful." I just looked at her and she then continued "ok fine I should not be dramatic but I said the truth girl why are you staring at me."

I chuckled and then replied as she was pouting cutely "fine now let's start our work and didn't Mr Jeon arrive yet I didn't see him today."

"No he's not here yet. Oh wait there he is." I looked in the direction and today he's not looking good; some kind of sadness was there, huh what happened to him. I thought.

"Ok I should give him his coffee or he will scold me." I said to Nia and she nodded I made coffee and went to his cabin. I knocked but entered after not getting any reply.

I came in and saw him lost somewhere I asked "Mr Jeon are you alright you are not looking very well?" He looked up and I saw some kind of change in his eyes like he was hurt and lost because of something.


I looked at her and then again remembered the dream I had. I was not feeling well about it I thought she could make me feel better so I stood up and went closer to her. I came a little too close to her so she backed away some steps.

I was about to hold her hand but she said "Sir you can say anything but please don't touch me." I closed my eyes and held her sleeve I opened my eyes and she looked at me curiously.

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