35. T-shirt Off 🔞

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Note: this chapter will contain mature scenes. If you're uncomfortable with with it, feel free to skip. It will not change the story in any way.

I opened my eyes and blinked the sleep away. I looked up and checked the time. Wow, I'd been asleep for over an hour.

I looked down at Finn, who still had one of his arms wrapped lazily around me. It was Saturday night, and our mothers wouldn't be back until the next morning. Something about a self care weekend.

"You awake?"

I softly pecked his lips as he sat up straight. I had come over to hang out, but we ended up taking an hour long nap instead.

His voice was deeper than usual, since he'd just woken up. How much sexier could someone get?

He smiled at my reaction. "You're cute."

He got off the bed and stretched his arms out. "I'm going to take a shower."

"I'll wait for you." I said simply. It's not like I had anything else to do.

I made myself comfortable on his bed and scrolled through my phone.

About ten minutes later, Finn stepped out of his bathroom, wiping his wet hair. He was wearing a black t-shirt and shorts. My mouth watered at the sight.

He sat down on the chair at his desk and smiled at me. Shit, he looked really good with his hair messy and wet. He continued to dry his hair, while I stared shamelessly.

He paused and looked at my expression. "Huh?"

I shook my head. "You just look so hot." I groaned and brought his pillow up to cover my face. "So hot."

I mumbled my words into the pillow so he wouldn't hear. "Makes me want to do things."


I peeked out over the pillow, and he had a different expression on his face now. Almost scary, but more sexy. His eyes were set in a hard gaze.


He beckoned me towards him, stretching out his legs just a tiny bit. "Come here."

His tone was firm, and left no room for argument. Had he heard me?

I gulped and walked over to him, and he held my waist and placed me firmly on his lap.

"Makes you want to do things, hm? Do I look that good?"

I shut my eyes in embarassment. Next time, I'd keep the thoughts in my head.

"Open your eyes."

I kept my eyes shut and shook my head, and I could hear him tutting in disapproval.

He stroked my cheek softly. "Are you feeling shy?"

I nodded, eyes still shut.

I felt a soft pair of lips on mine, and my eyes flew open in surprise.

He pulled away and grinned. He readjusted his position so I bounced on his lap a little.

I looked down, mortified. Oh, I was so turned on.

He followed my gaze and smirked when he saw my shorts.

"Oh, is that why you were shy?"

I covered my face in embarassment. He pried my hands away and placed a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. Tease.

He placed his hand on my lower back, under my t-shirt. His hands were cold, and a light shiver ran through me.

He leaned in and planted a kiss on my neck, before looking up at me with a look that said 'can I?'

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