7. Lunch?

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Another day, another morning. Man, I hated leaving my bed. 

I got everything done on time somehow, ate my breakfast and stepped out, ready for a nice long walk in the fresh morning air. 

Instead, I was greeted to Finn standing on my doorstep. With a helmet in each hand. I was momentarily distracted by how well his black tee fit him. It matched his hair perfectly, which looked messier than usual. 

After a few seconds of my brain panicking over how good he looked, my mom piped up from behind me. 

"I asked Finn if he was fine with taking you along with him everyday, since you both go on the same route anyway."

This woman, I swear to god. 

Finn handed me a helmet and I warily put it on, walking towards his bike. I wasn't sure if it was safe for my arteries to be around this boy so often. Too much gay panic.

I got on after him, and we had another safe ride to school with no accidents. Yay, not dying today. I noticed people staring again, and decided to hurry in so I wouldn't have to walk in with Finn and attract even more looks. 

I got to my locker, where Jenny was standing. "Seb, you can't just send cat gifs and get out of everything."

I smiled cheekily. "I can."

She rolled her eyes. "Well well, I'll wait. You better tell us who mystery boy is at some point."

I nodded. That's why I loved Jenny. She didn't get all up in my business  and respected when I didn't want to talk about something. 

Theo on the other hand...


He slammed his hand on my shoulder and I groaned. "Theo, for the last time, I'm not one of your football buddies, I actually don't have iron shoulders."

He pulled his arm back. "Oops, yeah, sorry sorry. NOW, who did you go out with?"


He groaned. "Oh come onnn. I'll buy you chocolates."

I shook my head and grinned. "Nope."

He finally gave up and mumbled something about Brutus and Julius, when I heard my name. 

"Sebastian! Hey!"

I turned to see Ryan walking towards me, waving. 

"Oh hey Ryan."

He grinned. "It's football day. I hope it goes well. Are you going to try out?"

I laughed. "Me? No way. Good luck, I'll be rooting for you."

We spoke for a minute more before he headed off. Jenny just looked amused. 

"He seems into you."

I shook my head and smiled. "Not a chance, Jen. I can smell the straight from a mile away. He's just very friendly."

She shrugged.

"I hope he plays at least half decent. We're pretty desperate for players." Theo said. He was last year's captain, and I had a feeling he would be this year too. 

I realized the bell would ring any minute and hurried away. The classes were, as usual, boring. I was really hungry and jumped out of my seat the moment lunch started. I happily walked over to the cafeteria, towards our table. Where me, Theo, and Jenny usually sat. 

I was quite surprised to see our table empty. I waited for a minute before Ryan showed up. "Oh hey Sebastian. Are you looking for Theo?"

I nodded. "Ah well", he continued, "The tryouts got delayed and are about to start like, now. That's where I'm heading, actually. I think we're all having a late lunch."

Aw c'mon. I wished him luck again, and he left. No Theo, no Ryan, well at least there's Jenny. I checked my phone and right on top was a text from her saying that she had to work on a project. 

I sighed and took out my packed lunch that mother dearest had made for me. She's the sweetest.

I looked around and saw Finn sitting by himself at a nearby table. Hey, we were friends now, right? I could ask if we could sit together. 

I got up and began walking over to hi, and I was just a few steps away, when three girls came out of nowhere and sat at his table. I paused awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Finn, come sit with us." The blonde in the middle stated. 

He looked up at them. "No."

5. He doesn't like people very much.

"Aww why not?" The brunette next to blondie said.

Finn ignored them.

"People would do anything for a chance like this, ya know?" Blondie spoke up again.

She seemed quite determined. The pink haired girl next to her seemed the least insane.

"Hey, it's totally up to you, but we'd love to be friends. The invite's always there, come over if you can." Pinky said with a friendly smile. I kind of liked her. She didn't act like their table had God himself sitting at it. 

Finn Almighty graced her with a look. Her smile faltered and she just looked confused. 

Blondie glared at Pinky. "Uh, No. If he wants to sit with us, he has to come now. It's a goddamn privilege. He can't just waltz in whenever he feels like it."

Finn looked annoyed to the core. "Go away."

Blondie looked like she was about to combust, brunette was trying to calm her down, and Pinky had already begun walking away.

And then Blondie spotted me. She rolled her eyes. "What the hell are you staring at?"

Finn turned around, and was it just me, or did his eyes just light up a tiny bit?


They all looked at me, waiting for my answer. I nervously smiled. I didn't really want to take the risk of Finn blowing me off in front of these witches. 

I however, had no real choice at the moment. I stumbled over my words. 

"Uh, I just, my friends? I mean, like, would you like to sit together? To like eat lunch?"

He nodded, and grabbed a little bakery looking box on his table and walked over to me. The look on Blondie's face? Absolutely priceless. She looked, well, horrified, shocked, everything.

Finn was absolutely unbothered as we walked over to the table I was previously sitting at. So he was still just as rude as before, but for some reason decided to be nicer to me. I guess the whole biology specimen thing added me onto his good list. 

Not gonna lie, my heart danced just a tiny bit. I know I'm being absolutely ridiculous, but I felt just a little bit special. 

We sat down and he opened the paper box he had. Inside were a few gorgeous looking strawberry muffins. I looked up at him in shock, and he gestured towards them. I smiled so hard my jaw hurt. 

"My mom made some more, and it seemed like you liked them a lot, so I got these for you."

I grabbed one and happily began munching. This was the best day ever. Surprise muffins? Nothing can top that.

"Where's your lunch?" I asked him.

He just shrugged. I rolled my eyes and placed the lid of my little lunch box in front of him. I placed two of the muffins he brought. I took half of my sandwich and placed it there too. He looked at me with an amused look. 

"Eat." I commanded. 

He just stared. I stared back. Pointed at the food. 


He shook his head with a fond smile as he did what I said. "Thanks."

We finished our lunch, ending with me raving about his mom's baking once again. He looked pretty proud. Anyone would, if their mom baked such heavenly muffins.


A/N: Would you guys be interested in having a chapter from Finn's POV? 

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