32. Clarifications

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about 1.5 hours before:

I decided it was time to leave, so I could meet Finn on time. I smiled to myself, I was quite excited. Was this a date?

I mean, we'd hung out before, but we're a couple now. I sighed happily and walked downstairs, ready to leave. I realised mom wasn't home.

Crap. I didn't have a ride there. I didn't want to make Finn come all the way here for me. I guess I'd just have to walk. I'd have my phone in case of any emergencies anyway.

I took my phone off of charging and my smile dropped.

I'd forgotten to turn the switch on. I groaned and slapped my forehead. How idiotic. I cringed a little when I saw the 5% mark.

Guess I'd just to be quick. I threw on Finn's jacket before putting on my shoes and leaving the house. It was a chilly night.

I took a look at the map and started walking. It was only a 20 minute walk, so I should be fine. I shot Finn a quick text so he wouldn't worry.

I wondered what Finn would like to eat. I decided I'd try something other than burgers today. Would this place have good milkshakes too?

I paused when I realised I'd probably taken a wrong turn. I didn't know where I was.

I sighed and opened up my phone, and tried to make sense of the map. "Let's see..."

I got a notification.

Your device will automatically turn off in 30 seconds. Please charge your device.

I stared at the screen dumbfounded. The worst possible luck. I panicked and tried to open my contacts list. I tapped on Finn's name, waiting impatiently for the call to connect.

A second later, my screen went black. I was officially fucked.

I looked around. I could ask someone for help.

The streets were empty, and there wasn't a single shop nearby. There were some houses, but they looked dark and unfriendly.

Also, I was scared.

I groaned started walking in what I thought was the right direction, cursing myself out. Finn must be so worried right now.

I kicked a rock on the ground, murmuring to myself. I had no idea how much time had passed either. I have absolutely no sense of direction.

After what felt like ages, I slumped against a wall. Hopeless. I sat there for a while, picking at the weeds by my foot. Finn must've been waiting for me. I felt like shit.


I looked up to see Ryan getting off a motorbike. What was he doing here?

He took off his helmet and looked at me. "Why are you...on the ground?"

I jumped up in relief. "RYAN! Thank you, thank you, thank you for showing up out of nowhere! I was lost."

He gave me a look. "Huh?"

I explained my situation to him and he began to laugh. I laughed along with him, because my situation really was ridiculous.

I heard a click and looked at him with his phone pointing at us. Sneak. He took a picture didn't he.

He chuckled. "This one's so going on my story."

He put his phone away and beckoned me closer. "Looks like you could use a ride."

No shit. I told him the cafe's name and luckily he knew where it was located. He stopped a few feet before the entrance and I hopped off. I thanked him profusely before running off.

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