11. His Roof

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I went over my list again. I needed three more things. It was Friday night, so I didn't really have much time left. 

But considering the fact that we were friends now, I could probably just ask him. I grabbed my phone to text him.

sebassian24: Hey

He replied almost immediately.

finn_cavanaugh: Hey

finn_cavanaugh: Roof

I stared at my phone, confused. I sent a question mark, but he just left me on seen. I walked over to my window. I could see his room, but he wasn't in it and the lights were off. 

I slid the thin glass away, opening my window. I stuck my head out and craned my neck to look upwards. There he was, on the dang roof. I could see his legs, he was wearing white converse shoes. 

"Finn?" I called out, and a second later a fluffy mop of black hair popped out. He peered down at me, grinning. 

He beckoned me towards him. I snorted. "You want me to come up there? Are you insane?"

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, Sebastian. I'll help you out."

I looked down at the drop I would have to face if I fell down. Hah, I wasn't that stupid.

I looked up at Finn.

Fuck it.

I slowly swung my leg over the gap and managed to get myself on the thin ledge, holding the sliding bar behind me for support. Following Finn's instructions, I took a deep breath and jumped over to the ledge outside his room. I had a moment of realization when I saw just how easy it would be to climb into his room. 

Finn came to the edge of the roof and held his hand out, helping me use the pipes and ledges to climb up to him. I finally managed to reach the roof, falling on top of him. He was in a tight black tee and black joggers. The proximity was messing with my mind. I managed to maneuver myself into a sitting position next to him before things got weird.

I looked around and felt a little wave of thrill wash over me. I had always wanted to do something like this, but I was a giant wimp.  I breathed out gently, enjoying the peaceful quiet of the night.  

Finn was stretched out next to me, staring up at the sky. 

"I can see Orion's belt." He mumbled. I looked up and saw three bright stars in a straight line. 

I suddenly remembered the reason I initially started texting him. 

"Finn, the project's due in two days. Don't you think you should get started?"

He stared at me with a soft look. "I've finished it already."

W h a t.

"What do you mean? I never even told you anything."

He slowly got up into a sitting position. "You didn't have to."

"Well, can I see it?"

He gave me a cheeky look. "Nope."

I groaned. "Aw, come on."

I tried convincing him, but it was useless. I decided to bug him about it everyday until he showed it to me.

"So, Finn. Tell me something about yourself. What do you like?"

He stared at me for a few seconds with a look I couldn't quite decipher. It looked a bit like...longing? I don't know.

He seemed like he was going to say something else, but instead said, "Well, I draw sometimes. And I kind of work out." 

Now that was surprising. 

"I mean, the work out part is kinda obvious, but you draw? That's so cool."

He smiled. "Not very often, but I do sketch sometimes." He tilted his head to the side. "So you do notice my gorgeous gorgeous muscles."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Right." 

He didn't reply, and I saw that same intense look in his eyes again. He spoke up again after a few seconds of silence. 

"I, uh, actually designed the tattoo I got." 

I was amazed. "You have a tattoo? Where?"

I mean, I had seen him shirtless, and I don't recall seeing a tattoo. He swallowed nervously. 

"On my back." He said, in a hoarse voice. 

I nodded thoughtfully, until his next sentence made my brain combust. "Wanna see?"

I widened my eyes. "We're on the roof. Isn't that a bit weird?"

He shrugged. "Not really." 

Before I could protest, he was already puling his t-shirt off. My jaw dropped, while I internally panicked. Me and a shirtless Finn was not a good combination. I knew I would either act like a lunatic or say something stupid. 

Finn breathed out softly and stared at me, in all his shirtless glory. He slowly turned around and I gasped. It was beautiful. It was a bird, in a sort of abstract manner. Its wings, with curved lines everywhere, seemed to be on some sort of mystical fire. I'd never seen anything like it before. The wings extended all the way to his shoulder blades.

I couldn't stop myself from gently touching his skin and tracing the art. His soft skin was warm, despite the chilly night. I wondered how comforting it would be to sleep next to him. Wait, why did that thought even show up? What in the fuck. I forced it out of my mind and instead focused on the tattoo.

He shivered slightly. "Your fingers are so cold." He mumbled. 

"It's beautiful." I whispered. 

I was worried he would get sick if he sat out here in the cold like this.  I handed him his t-shirt. 

"You might get sick, Finn."

He turned back and smirked at me. "Trust me, I won't."

I chuckled and threw his tee at his face, before scooting over to the edge of the roof. 

"I'll be going now, I have to eat dinner." I waved at him before gingerly retracing my steps and reaching my room in one piece. I looked up one last time, to see him already looking at me. He had a tiny smile dancing on his lips, so faint you could barely see it. 

I wasn't even hungry. 

I just wanted to get away, because I couldn't understand.

I couldn't understand why my heart was beating this fast. Why I had an irresistible urge when I saw Finn. Urge to do what? I don't know

To kiss him, my mind screamed at me. 

I quickly shook my head. My mind was getting quite confused lately. I shut my window and sat down on the floor, leaning my head against the wall. I made eye contact with Chonk who seemed to be judging me with those beady eyes of his. 

"What have I gotten myself into?" I groaned. 

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