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Deena's P.O.V.

I purposely did not make coffee this afternoon as I have been feeling off ever since I learned Tine had lunch with Travis.

Jealousy was eating me.

I could see that Travis liked Tine. The way he was looking at her, smiling at her.

Even though Mr. Riva and I were in the room, he looked at Tine like it was just the two of them.

And I know it's just a matter of time before Tine will return the feelings. 

Why not, I mean, the guy was so easy on the eyes and undeniably smart.

Tine was just fighting it because she knew how I felt and I know she was considering it. And it was really kind of her.

"Were you that busy you forgot our afternoon coffee?" I was a bit startled when I heard Tine speak. We were at the pantry already.

"Ohh, umm yeah. You heard Mr. Riva, I was finalizing everything so I hand over the job to you, and by morning tomorrow, I would take on the second draft." 

Tine nodded her head.

I am one hundred percent sure, she knows how I am feeling this very second.


Yes, I really am and I won't deny it.

But if she really liked the guy, who am I to get in their way? Right?

"Tine..." I started.


"Do you like him?" I handed her her coffee mug. 

She was taken aback by the blunt question, it was so obvious in her face, but she recovered quickly.

"Who? Travis?" She sipped her coffee, hiding her face.

"He likes you, you know that, right?" I guess I'm testing the water.

"It doesn't mean I have to like him back, does it?" She chuckled.

"I know. But if you do, it's fine. You don't have to think about me." 

Tine placed her coffee mug down on the counter and crossed her arms against her chest, her eyes fixated on me.

In this conversation, she looked so damn calm while I, on the other hand, have my pulse racing, my knee shaking and I think my voice will crack the next time I will speak.

"Is this you giving me permission to date people?" She's staring at me like she is challenging me, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Well... no, I mean..." Her brows raised at me, making me feel more nervous.

"I'm just saying, if you want to date him, I'm totally fine with it." 

Can she read that it was a total bullshit?

"Tell me, why are we talking about this?" How can she easily read me and I can't do the same to her?

"Because, I don't want anything to be awkward between us now that he's gonna be working here and you guys will date in the future." 

"Okay... But, was there any awkwardness when I was dating guys in college and you were by my side?" 

"No... But..."

"Deena, don't get ahead of yourself, okay? You're overthinking this. I just met the guy, we, just met the guy and you're already thinking that I would date him? It was just one lunch, okay? And maybe another lunch will follow considering he'll be working with us. If and when I decide to want to date him, you're the first person I will tell it to. Okay?"

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