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Deena's P.O.V.

I was packing up already my things and so ready to go to Tine's place when I heard a knock on my door.

I groaned.

I hope it's not work as I was really looking forward to spending time with Tine tonight.

"Come in!" I yelled. I grabbed my purse so whoever this person was would see that I was so ready to start my weekend.

"Leaving?" Even without looking, I would recognize anywhere that alluring voice of Sabrina.

"Uhh, yeah." I grabbed my phone. "You need something?"

"I'm just passing by to check if you changed your mind and decided to come." She starts walking toward me.

"Yeah, no, sorry. Tine is already waiting for me."


"What?" I asked her.

"I just... Why are you torturing yourself with her, Dee? You know that she would never, ever have feelings for you"


"What did I tell you, Sab? I was literally repeatedly telling you that she's my best friend for the past, I don't know, million years now." I told her chuckling though deep inside, she hit some sensitive nerves.

I know, like for years now that I will never get someone like Tine, that's why I was so contented being one of her best friends, but it doesn't mean I love her less.

The feelings I had for her during college are still the same. No, I think it was more now considering I see her every day. Working alongside her is what I look forward to every day. Seeing her smile, laughing at my jokes. Even the vein in her forehead every time she's so frustrated and mad, I was looking forward to seeing those.

Oh, her smile... it just warms my heart.

I know I should move on and whatever, but just to see her smile, the smile that goes up to her gorgeous green eyes, god, I am falling I think even harder.

"Yeah, the very best friend that you are in love with. I just... I think you should move on, you know?"

What did I just say?

"And the fact that she knows it but is not doing anything about it, it just makes me mad." She continued.

I leaned my lower back hip at my table.

"Sab, I know you are concerned, and I really appreciate that, honest. But it's my choice, she's part of my life whether she loves me back or not. And, I'm happy and contented with what we have."

"Yeah, you say that now. But what would you do if some guy came along and she fell for him? Would you still be able to say those words?"

Did she come here to hurt me?

I let out a soft laugh hoping to ease her worries.

"If the time comes that she would meet someone and that someone makes her happy, you think I will feel bitter about it? She's my friend, Sab and I would celebrate with her."

She was staring at me intently, probably weighing if what I said was true or full of bull. But before she could assess me more, I spoke again.

"Come on, let's go. It's the weekends, no frowning tonight." I took her arm and anchored mine.

We both went down to the basement not speaking a single word.

As we approached my car, she spoke.

"I just hope you know what you're doing, Dee. I hate to see you get hurt." And with that, she left and I was left alone drowning in my own thoughts.

I've thought about it and I accepted it a long time ago, but to be reminded of it now, brings back the fear of losing her to someone else.

Not entirely losing Tine, but when the time comes she marries someone, I don't know how would I feel about it.

I will be hurt, sure. But how am I supposed to continue our friendship knowing she loves somebody else?

Here I am thinking I buried all these feelings a long time ago and with just a reminder from Sabrina, I am back to questioning myself if it was the right thing to do to be friends with Tine.

I drove my car with my mood going down. I was so excited to come and spend time with Tine a while ago and Sabrina ruined it.

And knowing her, she would notice that something was wrong and I have no plan on discussing it with her.

That woman knows me more than I know myself.

She would know when I was lying, when I did something bad, or just about to do something bad, like how? She could even pull the words out of my mouth just by staring at me.

The power she has on me.

I parked my car in front of her townhouse. But before I climb down the car, I practice my genuine smile. If someone would see me, they would definitely think I'm nuts.

When I felt I looked normal, I got down and headed to knock on her door. I have a key to this place but I never had the habit of using it whenever she's at home.

"Come on in, Dee!" I heard her yell.

As I opened the door, the irresistible aroma danced through the air, tugging my senses.

The memories that started in college every time Tine would cook for me peeked as I inhaled the smell coming from the kitchen.

"Smells so good, Tine!" I yelled back. My steps quickened towards the kitchen. She doesn't like me going into the kitchen whenever she's cooking because I always end up eating the ingredients and taste multiple times whatever is in the pan.

I don't know why she was annoyed about that, I mean, if you think about it, it was a compliment, that I can't help and wait but to snack out in the kitchen.

I even forgot completely what Sabrina and I talked about just 30 minutes ago, all I feel now is the rumbling in my stomach just inhaling the food before me.

It is just so tempting not to touch or taste anything till they reach the table. I mean, it's just the two of us, why bother with the manners?

With that thought, I held out my hand and was ready to reach for the mushrooms that were on the plate already, like it was waiting for me to take them.

But I was greeted by Tine's hand, patting away mine.

"Go sit in the dining, this will be ready in a few minutes!" She scolded me.

I left the kitchen swallowing a full of my saliva.

This is plain punishment.

Eternity had passed, but she was still not done. Well, if we're being literal, it was just five minutes but it really felt like an eternity if you'd ask me.

"Kristine!" I yelled.

"Coming!" She yelled back.

A few more minutes had passed and she came bearing two plates.

"Let me at least help you bring the others to the table." I told her.

It took a few seconds before she said Fine in a loud and threatening voice.

As soon as we brought everything to the dining table, I started digging in which earned a laugh from Tine.

"Are you sure you just came from the office? You were eating like you carried boxes from the warehouse."She said laughing.

"I'm so hungry, Tine. And this is my favorite, so eat and don't mind me."

Kristine's laugh echoed in the whole room, what a piece of music to my ears.


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Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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